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   "How come you look so happy today? You got enough beauty rest or something?"

"I don't need sleep to be beautiful, idiot."

Noah and Mirren were having some lunch together, a few days after Vasili's lessons took place. The jaguar beastman was in an extremely good mood and it showed.

Noah had long noticed since the first thing in the morning. Mirren was always sticky around Niven and hardly went anywhere with the blond, but it seemed like he was truly obsessed with keeping the boy in his sights. He wondered what Mirren would do if he found out about the other students who liked Niven. It made Noah shiver in fear.

Other than that, Professor Vasili was able to swap everyone's abilities back to their original owners. It was weird at first, having to get used to their own powers.

Arien was perfectly fine the first day he got his ability back and Silas seemed like he was doing just fine as well. Noah hadn't seen Agustine yet and figured the male was just locked back up in his dorm room, but Mirren had the toughest time out of all them. The jaguar lightly explained how his wings started to shrivel up and snap off, though he never answered Noah's question if it was painful. Noah had a feeling he knew.

As for Niven, he was recuperating well. He got some color back in his face and the blond didn't look as sick anymore and started attending his regular classes after handing Arien his position back.

"So what's up with you these days? You still haven't answered why you're so happy. Did Niven give you catnip?"

"Shut up, that's not it. I'm like this because of your shitty therapy advice."

"My what? Wait, you still haven't paid me for my therapy services, you fuck! I didn't spend ten minutes listening to you moping for nothing."

"You're just like us, you're rich. You don't need money."

"The fuck I don't!" Noah extended a hand, gesturing for Mirren to hand over some cash. "You wanna show me how grateful you are? This is it, buddy."

Once Noah fished out fifty bucks from the albino jaguar, Mirren quietly explained how things were getting better between him and Niven.

After Vasili's lessons ended, the blond couldn't come over like he said he would. He rested for a while inside his dorm room until he was good enough to stand on his feet. Niven came to find Mirren quickly after, bringing his familiar along with him for another play date with Crescent.

The sylph and penguin happily played with each other and started making dinner when Niven hesitantly knocked on Mirren's door. He waited for a while and nearly went back seeing as how Mirren didn't answer, but then the door abruptly opened and Niven was pulled in swiftly, stumbling into the room just as Mirren slammed the door shut and had almost startled their companions.

Niven wasn't given any time to realize what was going on as Mirren clumsily took the blond's jacket off before pushing him down on the bed, climbing in after with hazy eyes.

At first, Niven was actually frightened. A white tail and ears stuck out, something that Mirren couldn't be bothered to hide anymore inside his own dorm. Niven would've thought it was cute if he hadn't noticed the fathomless look the male gave him. His eyes were molten gold, heated and filled with some drowsiness and a bit of lust.

Mirren shuffled around a bit, sitting nearly on top of Niven and was careful not to crush him. But he kept his eyes locked with the boy as he leaned down toward Niven's neck, slightly opening his mouth to reveal a pair of sharp teeth.

Instantly, Niven shoved a hand up to Mirren's mouth and stuttered, "Calm down, i-it's me! Mirren, don't!"

He froze and stayed still. The blond sighed, thinking Mirren was finally out of his stupor when the brunet licked the palm of his hand and shocking slipped his tongue between Niven's fingers. Before the boy could pull his hand away, Mirren grasped onto it firmly and nuzzled his face against the back of his palm and pressed a chaste kiss there.

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