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   Niven happily walked through the grounds of the councilmen's building, with small peps to his steps as Gabriel worriedly walked beside him.

The blue haired man didn't know why Niven decided to take him out on an early stroll to the alpha's office, and he was more than happy to accompany the blond, but he became nervous when Niven mentioned wanting to work with Arien.

At first, their first stroll was walking over to Mirren's place. Gabriel's mood dropped incredibly at the mention of the brunet, but Niven just seemed so excited than the past few days combined so Gabriel didn't exactly have the heart to complain. And besides, it was rare for Niven to ask him to accompany him.

But when they arrived to Mirren's place, Crescent answered the door instead. Niven was confused as to where the brunet went, but the sylph quickly handed over a note explaining that Mirren had gotten a bit sick overnights and didn't want Niven to catch his cold. Now, her master was locked up in his bedroom and hasn't come out since.

Niven had the idea of preparing a bit of breakfast for Mirren since he genuinely was surprised at how fast the brunet fell sick, but Crescent shook her head and pointed at the table which was already filled up with food. Since King's last visit, the penguin had shown her more than a couple of tips and taught her several ways to make food and clean up the apartment so the sylph was more than enough for Mirren. But Niven was still unsure, hesitant to leave and head over to Agustine's place before Gabriel politely thanked the silent creature and pulled his master away.

Gabriel supposed it was due to the shit garbage Mirren ate. Maybe karma bit the brunet back in the ass. But he didn't say anything and tried his best to hide a smirk as he led his young master over to Agustine's place.

The visit to the quiet male was a bit better, but the moment he stepped inside the room, Agustine frantically waved his hands up in the air and shoved piles of sticky notes in the blond's hands. Apparently, each one of them had apologies badly written down due to the anxiety from the jackal masked student.

Agustine was recently informed he missed a large amount of homework and needed to make up for it. Of course if it were anyone else they would've flunked, but considering the male's special circumstances and the fact Arien was their alpha, Agustine was given additional time to focus on his studies and turn them in. So that meant he couldn't go with Niven to Professor Vasili's class at all today, or even have lunch.

Looks like Niven had to skip Vasili's class today. He really didn't want to go alone without anyone.

Niven had to calm the male down, tell him it was alright and they could just always go tomorrow while Gabriel stood underneath the doorway, cautiously focusing his eyes on Agustine's form. He knew Niven wouldn't get hurt, though he couldn't help but tense every time he sees the silent student. Every time he had to deal with Agustine, it was a mess after mess. It wasn't that he disliked him or anything, but he preferred if Niven befriended someone else better.

Even Mirren was a better option, hell—Silas could be a better option in his opinion, even if his brother hated any living thing within five feet away from him.

While Gabriel contemplated, Niven brought out a small bag filled with some food for Agustine. Since the two of them knew something would go wrong by the time Niven left his dorm room, Agustine lifted up his mask just a little to reveal his lips and quickly ate through half of the food prepared.

Agustine didn't think Niven would actually give him breakfast, he thought he was just in the moment, but once again the student was eternally grateful since he didn't eat anything last night and didn't have any food for breakfast. Even though his familiar kept checking up on him, Agustine knew that getting too close would harm them, so his familiar was hardly ever around.

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