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"I do hope you forgive me for this, brother. Believe me, when I say it wasn't entertaining... actually don't, it was."

Agustine glared viciously at the angel standing before him. The male wanted to get up and attack Silas, yet he was restrained by the large cuffs on his wrists and legs, forcing him to stay seated at his desk.

Silas gave a small sigh, "Don't look at me like that. This is your punishment after all. I told you once that you should be careful with how you deal with your emotions since it also affects your Jinx. Yet, not only did you not listen to me, you also went ahead and hurt Niven. You don't even feel ashamed for that?"

Agustine's struggling stopped once he recalled hurting the boy through his haze of anger. Ashamed for what he's done, the demon instantly looked away and placed his head on the desk, not bothering to care about his brother anymore.

Silas huffed a little from his brother's reaction. It was somewhat hard to see him like this since this sibling of his has always taken care of him no matter how distant they were.

He strode over to the desk and raised his gloved hand, gently brushing through the locks of red hair. It made Agustine flinch away, but he didn't do anything else.

"I need you to understand that you needed to give Niven some space. He doesn't quite understand how relationships works and doesn't even dream of someone liking him. Arien and I have given him space, yet you and Mirren haven't. I only set you up to make sure you understand the bigger picture."

Agustine rasped, "S-Silas... you-"

"Hold on, I'm not done talking." Silas slowly crouched down to his brother's eye level and gave him an indifferent look. "Did you honestly think you'd be able to gain his favor by spilling a few tears here and there? If you want Niven to adore you then play by his rules. You should've given him time like Arien and I did, but you had to go and ruin yourself. Now he hates you, doesn't he?"

Agustine hitched a breath and felt a crushing weight within his chest. It was already painful for him to remember the incident, but having to hear Silas outright say it was rubbing salt to his wounds.

The angel noticed Agustine slightly shaking as if he was about to cry again.

"Don't take it too serious, brother. I'm sure he doesn't actually hate you. Still, you did give him bruises which is unacceptable. Is that how you want to treat your lover?"

"No... n-no, I didn't mean to..."

"Then when you're out, go and apologize to Niven. But don't touch him. You've already touched him enough, alright?"

The demon slowly nodded against the desk, still shaking.

Silas let out another sigh and murmured out, "I've taken a lot of things from you when we were children and never bothered to even think about what you sacrificed. To be honest, I didn't even like the idea of letting you have Niven so I thought of ways to make him hate you."

Agustine let out a small sob. Silas ignored it and kept caressing the demon's hair.

"I could've done that actually. I don't particularly like people touching what belongs to me... but you're an exception. You're family. Aside from Niven, you're really the only thing I care about so I want to make sure you get another chance with him. But this time, you listen to what I say if you don't want him to hate you even further, do you understand me?"

Agustine hesitantly nodded in reply.

Silas pressed his lips into a thin line. "I'm asking if you understand me."

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