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"I had the idea you also wanted me to join the council," Niven dryly began, his eyes still glaring profusely at the vice-principal. "Wasn't that why you left Mr. Westworth in charge? For him to place me as the omega?"

Bennett Kingston raised his head up, tilting his gaze over to the man standing beside him. His eyes narrowed as Remiah gave out a helpless smile. "I see..." The headmaster murmured bitterly, "my mistake. I'm just sorry you've been with the Wolves for months now, you weren't even supposed to be there in the first place. Perhaps it was due to the lack of communication Mr. Westworth and I had, but I assure you I will make it up to you and give you the rightful uniform you should've received in the beginning."

"That won't be necessary, Uncle. I intend to stay with the Wolves until I graduate. It'd be a pain to switch groups now," Niven stated.

"You want to stay where you are until graduation?" The headmaster rose a brow in question.

In the beginning, Niven opposed the idea of staying as the council's omega since he had absolutely no idea what he was doing inside the academy. He didn't want to be in this place at all since he already went through the things being taught in his classes, so he had no reason why he should do it all over again.

But... Niven only realized just how fun it was staying here. So in the end, he already made up his mind to stay and see what happens.

"Yes," Niven replied. "I've never been to a school like this before since Father always taught me back in the duchy. I like being with the Wolves. I've never had any friends before and my brothers are always gone, so I like the councilmen."

His uncle leaned back in his chair, contemplating the blond's words as the twins looked down at Niven. For a second, they felt a bit of guilt seep through when they recalled just how long they left Niven alone. Even their uncle remembered just how much his brother locked up Niven, the boy hidden away in the safety of the duchy. Hardly anyone ever met with Niven so Bennett didn't doubt him being isolated since young. This was his first time coming to such a school, and Niven probably had a difficult time fitting in with the right crowd of students.

Bennett's mind wandered over to the Wolves, mostly thinking about Arien. The alpha was upright and extremely cold to those outside of the council, he was even cruel to his own pack mates for years and never bothered with them. But he remembered the reports given from Remiah about Arien taking proper care of Niven so the headmaster begrudgingly accepted the fact Niven was in good hands.

He couldn't say much about the others though.

Agustine... he was a disaster, but he was the definition of an angel which often clashed with his abilties. He always felt pity for the child but he really couldn't take any chances with him acting as Arien's Beta. It was a good thing the jackal masked student left that position to Silas, even though he wasn't worried about Niven hanging around with Agustine. His nephew could handle being with the demon no doubt, and Agustine was really cute as a small bonus. Out of everyone in the council, he liked him the most.

It was unfortunate he couldn't say the same about his brother. Bennett could hardly see the resemblance of Silas as an angel if he didn't count the male's looks; the councilman's personality was just vile. He had a certain trait to himself as if he looked down upon everyone, almost demeaning them. The headmaster hardly understood why Niven said he liked Silas, but from Vasili's report on Silas actually taking the time and effort to look after Niven in the arena was slightly relieving. At least Silas wasn't as horrible as he was in the past... but he didn't want Niven with him anymore. Silas was easily the most dangerous out of the council, he may have to talk with the angel about staying in his own boundaries and away from Niven.

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