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Gabriel didn't know what he missed when he left for the week, but he only took one glance at Niven and Silas carrying a baby to vaguely have an idea.

The man was incredibly shocked at first, thinking the angel and Niven had already gotten a child together seeing as how meticulous the pair were in caring for Luciano. It was only until Niven explained about their project did Gabriel stop himself from calling Lord Uriel about the situation.

Now, the blue haired man stood across from Mr. Abberline with his young master and Silas. He was currently holding the robotic baby as their teacher happily presented his student their grade for this week.

Mr. Abberline had been prepared to give them a low grade before they hurriedly explained that Vasili caused them to get an abuse mark. Their teacher contemplated for a moment, remembering these students were also with Vasili on some days so it wasn't impossible that the crazy man would be curious enough to disrupt their project.

He gave them a passing grade, it was a bit lower than expect, but Silas and Niven were just relieved they hadn't failed.

Gabriel also supposed it was due to the bonus points that they managed to pass when Mr. Abberline commented on how cute their matching sets of outfits were, and even the stroller they carried around throughout the school.

After they left the man's classroom, Niven and Silas spoke in quiet murmurs. Gabriel stood several feet away from them, giving the students some privacy. He could still see the downhearted expression Silas had when the angel finally realized their project was officially done.

He didn't think Niven and Silas would grow so close to each other in such a short amount of time. He also didn't have a clue these two actually considered each other as friends rather than just classmates and mere acquaintances in the student council, but he supposed he was wrong since Niven filled him in about Silas spending a whole week at his dorm room.

That wasn't much of a surprise at first since Gabriel figured they slept in different rooms, but when he got back and noticed Silas leisurely stepping out of Niven's room without a shirt on—to say he had a near heart attack would be an understatement.

But it wasn't just the angel that caused him to stress, it was the bombshell Niven dropped on him when he also added in that he cancelled his trip back to the grand duchy. He wanted to go with Arien and Grim instead, all the way over to a different country and stay at the alpha's tribe for several days.

He wanted to protest against it, but it was futile when Niven interrupted, stating that Levi was fine with it and intended on informing Grand Duke Uriel. It made Gabriel clamp his mouth shut and reluctantly let Niven proceed with his own plans.

"You're really going to the Ortu Solis tribe?" Silas asked, managing to catch Gabriel's ear.

"I've already begun to pack some of my things," Niven quipped. "I'm pretty excited."

"You aren't nervous?"

Niven scoffed, "Well, I never said that."

He gave him a faint smile. "Then when do you leave?"

Niven already told Gabriel he was leaving with his alpha in two days. Because of that, the man had been busy gathering the blond's stuff and shoving them into suitcases. He would've spent the majority of his time packing the rest of Niven's things if it weren't for Grand Duke Uriel calling in several times to see his son, though Niven declined all of them and left Gabriel to deal with his father himself.

The man really needed a break, yet he still prayed that Niven wouldn't go too crazy with his newfound freedom away from home.

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