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   He knew he wouldn't get much sleep last night and was fully aware of how tired he would be the next day, but it didn't mean he was prepared to go to school in the morning. Once again, Niven was busy studying for hours while working on his homework. Right after that, he barely had enough time to prepare himself dinner since he had several phone calls to make from his father's business partners.

He didn't understand why he had to go through all these things since his father could've easily done them himself, but he didn't dare to question the man.

After he sluggishly walked out of the dorms, he bumped into Mirren, who seemed like he's been waiting for the Niven for a while. He hopped off the ground and stood right in front of the blond with a charming grin. "Good morning!"

Niven had to blink his eyes several times. He wasn't so certain if he became delusional from the lack of sleep, but after confirming that Mirren really was with him, the boy sighed and nodded tiredly. "H-Hello..."

"Did you not get enough sleep last night? How come you have bags under your eyes? If you were studying for the exams then don't pay so much attention to them, it's not like you need to actually take the tests." Mirren propped his arm around the back shoulders and tugged him close. "You're gonna be one of us soon so it doesn't matter."

"Pardon me... but what did you say?" Niven frowned.

Mirren only stared at him for a second before suddenly remembering that Niven recently enrolled in the academy and didn't know much about this place, which seemed highly peculiar.

"You've noticed our uniforms are much different than the others, right?"


"Well, it's because only students from the council wear white instead," Mirren said with a shrug. "Isn't that what you're here for? To join the council?"

"Wait, did you just say you're part of them?"

Mirren pointed a finger toward himself, and his grin turned even wider as his eyes grew innocent. "Hmm? Did I say that?"

Niven slowly shook in dread. He definitely had a bad feeling about all of this. How come his father made him go to this place? Really, it hasn't even been a week yet and he couldn't stand the thought of being placed in with other powerful students.

There was bound to be an accident soon.

Mirren noticed the boy's pale face and grinned. "Don't be like that! You have me don't you? That means you'll be with me even more, no one else can pick on you! Isn't that a delight?"

"N-No, I think I-I'll be fine." Niven slowly pushed Mirren's face away from him. "As much as I would... like to play with you, I don't want to be such a bother."

"Of course not! What makes you think so?" Mirren didn't mind Niven's actions and only continued to play around. He reached up and grabbed the blond's hand and entertained their fingers together. "You saw what happened the other day, yes? That student trembled so hard that he was about to piss himself when he noticed it was me he was talking to. If you're with me, no one else can bully you!"

Mirren looked really dashing at the moment, and Niven couldn't help but notice how beautiful the male's smile was when he talked to him. The way he glanced down at him was gentle and his tone was also soft, slowly coaxing him.

But Niven pushed him away once more. He already knew it was part of Mirren's abilities that was doing all the work, he wasn't that genuine.

But even after Niven shook his hand away, Mirren was stupefied. It didn't take long before his grin came back and he stepped closer to Niven. This was really refreshing, it was better than those student who mindlessly followed his orders without any hesitance. It wouldn't be so bad letting a guy like Niven have his own opinion.

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