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   Luna Elise happily took care of Niven as they waited for the rest of the beastmen to come back from the hunt.

Arien and his fathers along with Andreas have been gone for about the two hours. Apparently, it takes about four hours in all until they return so Niven had gotten bored during this time.

They weren't alone in waiting though, there were several male omegas tending to the luna and only two females existed in this pack, also staying near the Luna Elise.

All of them were seated in a certain area outside where the cold didn't bother them as much with the help of magic circling around and keeping mainly Niven heated. They usually wouldn't have to use magic, but Niven was the only human around and they already noticed just how badly the boy began shivering, yet he didn't say a word. They felt bad for him and Luna Elise had a feeling Niven was too anxious around other people he didn't know.

Because of Niven's timid nature, he wouldn't be as comfortable around these beastmen like he was with Arien and Mirren, even having Grim at his side was a lot better. But unexpectedly, Niven found himself befriending an omega of the pack.

Cyrus was very welcoming toward the student and also had a bit of trouble speaking with other people since he had a bit of social anxiety. But as soon as they spoke with one another, they instantly clicked and Niven refused to separate himself from Cyrus, finding the omega one of the very few people he was comfortable with.

"You're very popular, aren't you? Alpha Andreas seemed so serious on the topic of having you as his heart mate," Cyrus said with tease. "I don't blame him. If I was an alpha, I'd chase after you without end."

"We were just joking," Niven muttered.

"Didn't seem like it."

"My alpha said the same thing."

"Did your alpha get angry?"

"A little bit... not at me, but I think it was aimed more at his cousin instead."

Cyrus tried to restrain his smile. "I can sort of tell. Alpha Arien's scent is all over you. Are you sure you two aren't together? He's very protective."

"He is," Niven agreed. "But no... we aren't together."

"Is he not strict with you? I heard that he tends to have a temper from time to time."

Niven thought back to when his alpha "disciplined" him and awkwardly put up a smile.

"His temper sometimes gets the best of him, but he always acknowledges it and tries to make up for it."

Cyrus looked surprised. "Really? I didn't think he was capable of that. Whenever he comes back home, he never really apologizes for anything and always seems to be in a mood. To be honest, Alpha Arien... he's really scary."

Niven couldn't disagree with that.

"Have you ever thought about dating our alpha?"

The student looked at him keenly. He didn't expect that. It took him a long time to even process what Cyrus had asked him, but when he glanced back to the omega, he found the male patiently waiting with a hopeful smile.

Niven shrugged and replied, "I've never really thought about dating anyone."

"How come?"

"Well, I... my father never allowed it, you see," Niven quietly explained. "My father was really strict on not letting me out of our estate and put a lot of restrictions when I was young. I never had the time to think about a relationship."

Cyrus leaned forward and continued, "Then what about now? Would you consider it?"

He did before.

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