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   Classes were cancelled for the day.

Due to the amount of supernatural creatures which escaped the classroom, it took a considerable amount of power from Mirren and a couple of students to track each and every one of them down. It didn't help that they ran amok inside the hallways and invaded the other classroom, causing some of their teachers to become startled at the sight. Niven was still drifting off into his own hazy state of mind, his words still slurred together because of the large force of Mirren's ability which affected him greatly.

But when Mirren finally captured the creatures and set them back into jars, he and Niven were given a free pass for the day, and the brunet didn't hesitate to scoop the smaller male into his arms and teleported themselves back into his dorm room.

Mirren had to stop for a moment, standing at the entrance of the door to get a quick breath. He fumbled with the door knob, sluggishly entering the room and almost dropped Niven.

Warping himself out of the classroom was a bit of a difficult task considering the distance between the academy and his dorm room, but after having to use his abilities several time, his energy drained even faster so he needed to take a minute and get rid of the blurriness in his eyes.

But when he finally settled the limp blond onto his sofa, he dropped to his knees and groaned from the soreness throughout his body. Mirren used a hand to cover a part of his face, rubbing his eyes from exhaustion while trying to ignore the pain pounding inside his head.

Niven could faintly hear the brunet groan, and he tried to life a hand toward Mirren to hell himself sit up on the sofa properly—but then he heard it, stopping himself immediately.

He heard a bit of a growl.

Niven thought to himself it was probably Mirren's familiar. After all, he did say he keeps his familiar inside his dorm room so maybe the growl came from them instead. But when he sluggishly looked at Mirren, a sudden shiver went through his body when he locked eyes with the brunet, finding his blue eyes glow a bit brighter and... somewhat aggressive.

Mirren blinked several times, removing that aggravated look off his face before sending a weak grin to Niven. "Hey, baby. Sorry if you wanted to be at your own dorm, but I didn't have that much energy left so we're at my place now. Are you hurting anywhere?"

Mirren reaches out to touch the soft locks of hair, but Niven squirmed and garbled his words a bit, "Don't... touch me. Don't wanna... let ya touch-" Niven couldn't say anything after that, it was already hard enough to keep his gaze focused on Mirren without having his eyes roll to the back of his head and fall completely limp again.

Mirren already knew what Niven was going through, and he felt that small pang of guilt building up inside. He sighed, "Okay, I won't touch you, but I'm moving you to my bed in just a minute. I'll have to take my familiar out of my room though so she doesn't bother you. The effects of my abilities will last for another hour or so, and the victim affected by it go through a series of... ecstasy. Your senses will grow numb during this time and may even get a little bit delirious—scratch that, with the amount of force I used on you, you're definitely gonna feel more elated."

"Ugh..." Niven moaned, falling to his side in the sofa. Mirren winced at the sound and quickly stood up.

"You probably don't even understand what I'm saying now, but give me just a moment. Gotta take her out of the room first," he muttered the last sentence before he walked off.

Niven just laid there on the sofa, groaning from the effects as his sight started to grow a bit white. He vaguely heard some of the symptoms Mirren just described, and he's definitely feeling more than numb. There was something heating up in the pits of his stomach, and it grew to a point where just lying on the sofa was uncomfortable... a bit painful. Slowly, Niven weakly clutched the armrest of the sofa before getting up.

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