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"You met who again?"

When Niven finally appeared near the academy, Mirren had been looking for him. He waited for around an hour since he found out Niven wasn't in his dorm, although he could hear strange sounds coming inside the room. He figured it was Niven's familiar so he didn't want to intrude and merely left, heading over to the academy's main building to wait for the blond.

So when Niven showed up, he quickly grabbed his bag and walked over to the blond's side, slinging his arm around the boy's waist.

Mirren asked him where the blond ran off to in a teasing manner, but the light in his eyes dropped instantly when he heard Niven was speaking with Arien.

"Why were you talking with the alpha? Did he give you a hard time? Just throw a stick far away from you and I'm sure he'll go running toward it!"

Niven glared. "He's not a dog, Mirren."

"Well, he kinda acts like a bitch so you gotta train him like one-"

"Mirren!" Niven nervously tugged at his arm. "You can't say that! What if someone hears?"

"Then they got good hearing?" Mirren rolled his eyes at the blond. "Baby, even if they heard it's not like they're gonna do anything. And if you're really that nervous then I'll just... tell them they heard wrong."

"You can't use your abilities for something like that," Niven deadpanned. "A-And the alpha told me there'll be a meeting in a few days. Everyone will have to attend... so I'm nervous."

"It'll be fine. You can just come with me. I'll even let you hold my hand-"

"I think I'm just gonna miss the meeting..."

Mirren rapidly shook his head. "I was joking! I'm always joking!"

"Anyways, the alpha told me some of your roles in the academy," Niven continued as they walked inside the building. "He said your abilities are critical to this academy. I didn't realize how much influence you held over the students. I'm... really impressed."

"You should see me in bed. I'll give you something to be really impressed about," the brunet nonchalantly replied, passing a few students to give them a few winks here and there. They ended up blushing furiously before walking off hurriedly. "Anyways, is that all the alpha said?"

"He mentioned something about the Royals... d-do you know them?"

"Baby, I literally despise everyone in this shithole—don't worry, you're the exception. The Royals are dicks no doubt, and they always have something shoved up in their asses every time I see them, probably their heads since they seem like they're entitled to everything." Niven and Mirren walked inside their first class, giving a small nod to greet Mr. Abberline.

Their teacher happily smiled upon Niven's appearance, but then his smile became strained as soon as he witnessed Mirren's eyes flash in a sultry expression. Mr. Abberline faked a smile. "Good morning, Young Master Niven... my lord..."

"It's a very good morning indeed now that I see you," Mirren purred. "Say, what will you be teaching us today? I've got several suggestions for you if you want some... excitement today."

Mr. Abberline quickly shook his head. "Stop, you're about to make me cry. Hurry up and take a seat."

Mirren shrugged and grasped Niven's arm, leading him over to their usual spots. "Did the alpha tell you our ranks?"

"What ranks?"

Mirren sighed, "He could've at least told you more. So anyways, Arien's the leader, which makes him alpha. In order to be alpha, he's had to win over more than half of the students in the academy by letting them challenge his abilities and authority. One of the brothers tried challenging him, but it didn't work so he eventually ended up as the beta. And then the other one became Gamma, though he hardly ever leaves his dorm room so that brother is basically useless. And then there's me, the omega."

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