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Would his brothers mind if he went to the same school with them?

Niven kept fiddling around with the tie around his neck before smoothing over some creases on his jacket. He's been trying to call his father for the past couple of hours yesterday and once the man finally managed to pick up, he only answered with curt answers before explaining he was busy and hung up. And not to forget to eat dinner.

But ah, Niven was too busy worrying about school that did the opposite of what his father told him.

So he got up extra early and prepared a large breakfast. Some fruits in bowls, a large bowl of cereal, some eggs in a nest with toast... he really went all out.

And his first class was about to start. But he really didn't want to go. And he definitely didn't want to run into any trouble, especially his brothers. The very thought of them knowing that he's here made him frightened. They'd definitely get pissed.

With his grip tightening on his new bag, Niven slowly opened his door and popped his head out to see no one out in the halls. Maybe if he walks over to class really early then no one would notice him?

That's what he did. After riding the elevator, he immediately stride through the academy's pathways and finally saw the large castle-like building looming over him. Niven became more nervous. Could he even figure out where his first class was?

The first thing he did, he called Gabriel immediately and explained the situation several times since the man couldn't hear him clearly because of his whispers.

Gabriel would be coming, but Niven had to wait outside of the entrance. Though he didn't exactly know where the entrance was at either. There was a very large bridge with columns supporting an arched roof connecting right into the hallways of the academy, there wasn't a door anywhere. So he patiently sat right on top of the bridge, already bored.

If he could, he would've dozed off if it weren't for the fact that the blond felt a murderous intent right behind him.

Niven whipped his head back to find cold eyes striking down at his blue ones. The blond merely looked away and ignored him before yawning again. He should be fine since he isn't challenging him, right?

"Hey, you're blocking the way."

"Apologies, I'll move." Niven grabbed his bag and moved a few steps over before leaning against the bridge's column, still yawning. He didn't sleep too well last night, he was really tired.

"What's with that attitude of yours?" Instantly, Niven felt a wave of dominance over his being. He felt his knees buckle under heavy pressure and looked up to get an even clearer view of the student.

The male before him lifted his hand up and pressed his glasses further up his nose before staring down at him, his dark navy eyes filled with superiority. The man sneered, "Have you forgotten to bow, you dimwit?"

"Why should I... bow?" Niven murmured and looked at him up and down. He seemed handsome, but he needed to work on that attitude of his.

"You little—hold on, I haven't seen you before. Are you perhaps new?" The student squinted and stood closer to get a good look at Niven. "Strange, your uniform matches mine."

"Pardon?" Weren't all uniforms supposed to match here? The clothes they wore were all white with a large cape over their shoulder, along with some gold chains as mere decorations. Don't all student wear these?

While he grew confused and kept glancing between their uniforms, the student before him kept a close eye to Niven's face. He's never heard of anyone joining late in the academy before. Why didn't this one come a month ago? How did he even get accepted this late?

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