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Niven never thought of himself to be an animal person, but he did have a few pets around his house that he took care of. Unfortunately, they passed away a few years ago and he hasn't had an interaction with another animal again.

Until this moment, of course.

There were currently two creatures that seemed like tigers, except the ends of their tails had fire that always burst every few minutes, and the fact their teeth were longer and much more sharper. There were jewels embedded onto their necks which allowed the beasts to use magic against their prey. Niven would try to escape, but a barrier would always surround him as they stalk closer. The blond looked at the two with a depressed stare.

What should he do? He couldn't use any abilities, and having to use magic was definitely off limits.

"Hey, so listen... I don't have any cat food but I saw a bird over there in the tree..." Niven pointed behind him and watched as the tigers also glanced at that direction. They seemed to be interested. Niven grimaced and muttered, "I probably look delicious to you, but I-I assure you, I might not taste so good."

They growled back and leaned closer to him, snapping their jaws and biting onto his uniform. Niven stumbles to the side and fell on one of them. He grew even more anxious and began to pull away until the beasts kept tugging him back, taking him with them.

He really thought they were going to gnaw on him for lunch, but apparently, it wasn't the case.

He was being sat upon the two creatures and was licked a couple of times on the face before being squashed by one of them. The beast kept rolling left and right on top of his body, not caring whether the male was safe or not.

In the end, he managed to escape by tossing his uniform in front of their faces and dashed away. Niven could've easily taken one or maybe even two of them in as his familiars, but he had a feeling that those two didn't suit him at all. They seemed quite aggressive and he wondered on how powerful they were if they were placed inside of the arena. Most students would get fatal injuries... possibly.

After escaping the beasts, Niven though he would've had much better luck in finding a familiar, but it was harder than it seemed apparently. Throughout the whole area, he found himself in different environments, some harsher than the previous ones or a bit colder. And without his jacket, he had to trudge on through the cold with a grimace.

But it wasn't all that bad.

Once, he accidentally slipped on the side of a tall hill and Niven was certain he'd fall to the ground if it were not for sudden claws snatching him up. He looked up to see a few winged animals with beady eyes as they hissed and screeched before dropping him off gently and flapping away.

Niven waved them goodbye and begrudgingly moved onto a different location. Perhaps he could've taken one of them instead?

The second time he made a mistake was when he stepped onto the root of a moving tree. The roots quickly snagged his legs and lifted him up high in the air, and the blond watched quietly as the tree began to move even faster and a face appeared from the bark. It was about to swing him away when a large gorilla broke off a few of its branches and tore off several roots. In a second, the beast's group emerged from the forest and attacked the tree all at once. When the roots released Niven, he was caught by the animal's arms and was comforted.

He peered closely at the gorilla and found out their nails actually had long claws and gems embedded around their wrists. And what looked like their fur actually turned out to be hardened scales, protecting them.

He gratefully thanked their help and was then offered some fruits. Niven restlessly accepted it before hurrying off again.

It seemed that everywhere he went, he'd always get into trouble before having to be rescued by the beasts. At this point in time, he lost his uniform jacket, a watch that was given by his aunt, and he also lost a shoe. It was taken away by a beast. He was at a loss really, he didn't know what to think of them. Weren't they supposed to be dangerous? Niven was certain he ran into some carnivorous creatures, though they didn't seem interested in him at all and kept eating other things!

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