Volume 1 - Chapter 21: A Party Name

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It was currently four in the afternoon. Hain, Henrietta and I had just finished our first quest and have already returned back to the guild building in which we were gladly welcomed back to.

「Welcome back, you three.」

Audrey-san welcomed us back as friendly as ever and checked our guild cards to see if we've finished our quest. She massaged her temples for a while with the ends of her lips rising up then eventually gave it back to us.

「Congratulations for completing the rat subjugation, civil service and alligator subjugation quests. And most importantly, thank you for returning back safely. Please wait for a bit as we order our staff to get your reward.」

We agreed to wait and sat ourselves at a nearby table with satisfied faces. The two girls were sitting next to each other opposite me.

「That was exhausting... my clothes got dirty from all those moss, blood and rat feces on the floor...」

I unconsciously let out a snigger while listening to Hain's complaint. That sure was really bad, I don't want those kind of stuff on me either, specially the feces part.

Hain noticed and shot me with a glare. Seconds later, she broke out into a mischievous grin. I think I already know what she'll do next–

「Oh no!」

As I thought, she rubbed some of those things on my perfectly white clothes. I felt bothered and Henrietta said a few words in shock. After Hain had sullied me, both our eyes were brusquely fixed onto Henrietta while smiling in a suspicious manner.

Knowing what will happen to her next, she immediately stood up and tried to make a run for it. But ofcourse we didn't allow it and grabbed her by the knees, making her fall face-down.

But ofcourse I won't let that happen to a lady so I caught her a few inches from the floor using my hands before she receives any damage. My pride as a hero will diminish if I can't even save a single girl.


「No need  to thank us when it was our fault.」

Hain made an awkward laugh out of embarrassment and helped the poor girl stand up again. But just then have I noticed I was staring at a shield while the two were telling me about their fight with the white rat. Sounds like that thing is a group's leader and they beat it by themselves.

「Where did you get that shield, Henrietta?」

「Oh that, I found it while we were fighting the rats. I felt like it would be a waste if I didn't bring it with me so I brought it along.」

「Heh, is that so. I recommend using that shield.」

I smiled at her brightly with my eyes closed and my chin supported by my hands.

「I intend to. I feel like this shield saved my life so I think I'll be using it as my partner.」

「By the way, let's sell the magic cores we've got from the two boss-like monsters.」

The two girls agreed and lent me the magic core of the white rat. I also swiftly brought out the magic core of the alligator, both were the size of a tennis ball except the Alligator's was slightly larger in size. I walked to a girl receptionist besides Audrey-san since she was currently busy discussing something with an adventurer. I placed the two magic cores on top of her front desk.

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