Hello every one I am shazia khan sangeeta friend i know that you all worry about sangeeta health.
At this moment she is sufring from highly dispersion. So she is very upset. All social media acount one by one she is lefting and watapd also I read recently few coment personal masage box they all worry about sangeeta health so I write this note I don't know when sangeeta resume writing story. And fell better tell then pray for her my friend recover as soon as pocibal and join onse again watapad and fill happy .till then bay .
I am crazy for you
Romancenandani is a uni professor and manik her student and crazy for her but nandani alwyes ignore his craziness but manik alwyes crose his limitation and nandani don't like it becouse she is older then manik but manik avoid age difrence , what will sto...