Daze. Dwalin×Sonja

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This is dedicated to @ELLIKKA I hope I wrote this the way you wanted it.

Thorin plunged his sword into the pale orc, watching the light fade from his eyes. He fell back on his knees, exhausted. This war was over.

He stood up, ignoring all the soreness and pain that came with it. Over the way was the entrance to Erebor, where the dwarves, elves, and men had defeated the orcs. This was a battle won.

"Thorin!" he turned to see Bilbo rushing towards him.

"Bilbo, I'm sorry about before," he apologized before the hobbit could say anything.

"That is in the past. Sonja is missing."

His heart dropped. "What do you mean? Where is my sister?"

"She was fighting with some of Dain's men and then she was gone. Some of them think the orcs took her."


Sonja spat out blood, trying to remember what she had done to deserve this. A foot met her side and she was almost thrown into the air. This was the worst possible way to die.

"Do as you will," the orc who had taken her said. She looked up at him, wishing she could just take her sword and shove it into his face. But her sword was gone and now she was at the mercy of orcs.

One grabbed Sonja's arm and pulled her closer, grinning wildly. She spat in his face and he punched her, letting her fall to the ground. She screamed as they ripped off her clothes, only to be silenced by a hand.


"It's been a month," Bilbo said to Dwalin. They were out walking, braving the frigid air. "They still haven't found her. I think Thorin, Fili, and Kili may go mad if they don't."

"The only good thing to come out of this is the gold sickness disappeared within a week," Dwalin replied.

"Which is the worst part about it. Only loss could do that, but I hate watching my friends suffer."

"It's hard enough getting a king to rest, but a grief ridden one? He barely sleeps or eats. Fili has to take his pen at times so he stops long enough to carry out a full conversation."

Bilbo stumbled, and the two realized they had walked into the remains of an orc camp.

"This is the third one this week," Dwalin said, stepping over a half eaten deer. "We have to catch this group before they get the courage to kill more than wild animals."

Bilbo was about to suggest they move on when he heard an odd noise. A sort of low whimpering. Like an animal in pain.

"Do you hear that?" he asked.

"Hear what?"

"That noise, right there?"

He stepped over the deer and kept walking, looking back and forth. There was something pale sticking out from the tree. It looked suspiciously like a leg.

"Oh my, Sonja!" he cried, taking off his coat and draping it over her body. Her hands were bound above her head and she was barely conscious. Cuts and bruises covered her pale skin, bruises looking suspiciously like fingerprints. "Dwalin, I need your knife!"

Dwalin cut the bonds and her hands fell limply to the ground. She moaned started to wake up.

"What? Bilbo? Dwalin? Where am I? Where are the orcs?" she whispered.

"Sh, just rest. We're going to bring you back to Erebor."

Dwalin lifted her as gently as he could without disturbing Bilbo's jacket. They rushed back to Erebor, shouting for medical help and for someone to get the king.

Hours later, Thorin was sitting by his little sister's side and Fili and Kili were whispering in the corner, continuously glancing over at their aunt. Sonja was fast asleep, the medicine doing it's job and keeping her resting.

"She doesn't have many injuries," Oin said to the rest of the company. "Rope burns, bruises, and shallow cuts. But, I'm afraid the orcs did, other things. Considering how Bilbo and Dwalin found her and how she flinched at every touch."

The company was silent. No one could believe that Sonja, who was so brave the entire journey and through her brother's gold sickness, could have sunken down through all that fear.

"Did someone send for Dis?" Dwalin asked gruffly. Everyone turned to him curiously. "Well, it's only us and Dain's men. I doubt we can help her as much as her sister can."

"I'll do that now," Balin answered, turning and walking briskly away.

Sonja continued to rest, never leaving her chambers. Thorin put a guard on her room immediately. Dwalin was, naturally, on the guard.

One night, while he stood outside her room, he heard he begin to talk in her sleep.

"No! Leave me alone!" Sonja began to yell. "Let me go! Please! Please!"

Dwalin was at her side quickly, shaking her awake.

"Sonja. Sonja wake up."

She bolted up, looking around wildly. "The orcs, the orcs. They were, they had-" she dropped her head into her hands, sobbing.

Dwalin slowly put his arm around her, trying to comfort her. It seemed to be working, because her breathing became more even and her tears stopped flowing.

"Thank you," she whispered. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before quickly laying down again.

He turned and walked out, in a sort of daze. But it was a happy daze, and it lasted until they died together in their sleep, matching rings on their fingers.

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