Hand in Hand. Ori×Reader

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"Admit it, you like Ori," Fili said. Refusing to give in, you shook your head. Thankfully it was cold out so you could hide your blush.

"Denial is the first stage!" Kili sang.

"So I can say you love Bombur and if you deny it means you do like him?" you shot back. The boys were silent. "Thought so."

You skipped away from your idiot brothers and caught up with rest of the company. You could never admit that you liked Ori. It would mean endless teasing. Plus, you were the heir to the throne, you had to marry someone of higher status. In other words, not a scribe.

You sighed as you looked up at the sky. It was a very cold day for October. You were most worried about Bilbo, the tiny little thing didn't have the thickest of jackets.

"You alright Bilbo?" you asked. He had been shivering and tried to stop when you spoke up. Thorin still thought him a grocer and he was trying to tough it out.

"No, I'm fine. What about you? You don't have a jacket on," he said. It was true, everyone had a jacket on but you. You had been born a strange dwarf. You could stand the heat, as all dwarves, but you could also stand the cold.

"I don't ever get cold," you replied, laughing when his eyes widened. "Well, I haven't been in temperatures cold enough that I do get cold."


"Don't bother asking. Even Thorin doesn't know," Bofur said.

"Eavesdropping again?" you said.

"Well you aren't in the most secluded area for talking," Ori pipped up. You laughed. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Ori smile a little bit more.

The rest of the time, Bilbo walked with a thicker coat. It wasn't yours actually. Some of the other dwarves(Bofur, Ori, Nori, Kili, and Fili) decided they would all switch coats. The results were everyone having a different coat, except Ori, who was stuck with no coat.

You glanced at your brothers, who were laughing silently. They were trying to set you up. The worst part was that it was working. You couldn't stand to watch Ori shiver.

Thankfully, the sun started to disappear and Thorin called for a stop. Oin and Gloin got a fire going and Ori was able to stop shivering.

You breathed a sigh of relief as you graciously took some stew. Thorin put Ori on first watch and you on second. Kili giggled the tiniest bit. You shot him a death glare and went to get some sleep.

"Y/N. Y/N," came from a far distance. You groaned and sat up. Ori was kneeling next to you. You remembered that you had second watch.

"Ugh, I was having such a nice dream, too," you moaned as you moved over to the tree. Ori smiled a little.

"May I ask what it was about?"

"Summer walks under the night sky. Dancing into the night."

"Sometimes I dream about books."

"Books?" you laughed softly. Ori grinned and nodded.

"Books piled to the highest ceiling. Sometimes books that I've written. Sometimes drawing pictures of y-" He stopped himself. Your eyes widened as you moved a little closer to him.

"Me?" you asked quietly.

"Yes," he said, moving a little closer to you.

"My dream that I was just having? It was you I was dancing with." With that, you closed the distance. You kissed for barely a second before someone cleared their throat. You looked up and saw Thorin standing there, arms crossed.

"Thorin," was all you said. He walked over to you and practically dragged you into the trees.

"What was that?" he asked. You swallowed.

"Me kissing Ori?" you offered. Thorin started pacing in front of you.

"Do you not remember when I told you you couldn't marry someone of low rank?" You ducked your head as you nodded.

"Do you not know this adventure will make everyone on it of high rank?" Your eyes widened as you looked up at him. He was smiling the tiniest bit. You smiled and gave him a hug before running back to the rest of the company.

"Ori!" you exclaimed quietly. He looked up at you, confused. You explained what had just happened. His smile continued to widen as he picked you up and spun you around.

You laughed quietly and kissed him when he set you down. The next morning, you walked hand in hand with Ori, ignoring the giggling of your brothers.

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