Perfect. Legolas×Reader

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You had always been a beautiful elf, and you knew too well how boys fell head over heels when they saw you.

But despite being the girl every guy chased after, you were actually very headstrong. It was rarely you actually played the game of love, and usually it was for favors, not for actual love.

That all changed when you joined the Fellowship.

Being Lord Elrond's oldest daughter, you were invited to the meeting of the Ring. As you sat in your respected seat, waiting for the meeting to start, you couldn't help but notice the 3 blonde elves from King Thranduil's kingdom.

They mostly kept to themselves, not mingling like the others. But there was one who was talking to the man your younger sister was in love with, Aragorn.

He had blue eyes and carried himself in an important manner. He was handsome, definitely, but which of your admirers hadn't been?

Father, Lord Elrond, took his seat, which everyone followed suit. There was a hobbit, a wizard, elves, dwarves, and men present. All that was missing were the orcs. You smiled at the thought of orcs having an intelligent and peaceful meeting with everyone here.

As Father discussed the reasons he had summoned everyone, you saw a figure out of the corner of your eye. Ever so slightly, you turned your head and saw two hobbit peeking out from behind the pillars. They made eye contact with you. You winked and turned back to the meeting.

(A/N: I don't remember the exact scene, so bear with me)

"Give Gondor the ring, we can use it against the enemy," said a man obviously from the city of Gondor.

"The ring has only one master and will not yield to any other," replied Aragorn.

"What does a Ranger know of this?" the man fired back.

"Do you know whom you address?" asked the blonde elf suddenly. He was standing, ready to attack. "This is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir to the throne."

The two must know each other well, for a Ranger does not easily give away his or her identity. You should know, for one had admired you.

"Sit down, Legolas," Aragorn said in Elvish. Legolas. That meant he was King Thranduil's son! You had always thought Legolas was a peculiar name, though.

Reluctantly, Legolas sat. You glanced at Father. His lips were tight.

The meeting dragged on, tensions building until everyone was on their feet, yelling. Father closed his eyes and sat back. The hobbit stayed seated as well, staring uncomfortably at the ring. You watched as he stood up and shouted, "I will take the ring!"

You sat a little straighter. He looked scared and worried, but he still volunteered. He repeated what he had said, but no one seemed to hear. You stood up.

"Hey!" you yelled. Everyone stopped talking, surprised to hear a female voice, no doubt. You turned to the hobbit.

"I will take the ring," he repeated, "but I do not know the way." The wizard seemed sad that he had volunteered.

"I will accompany you, Frodo, until the task is taken out."

"I will go, too," Aragorn said. He knelt in front of Frodo. "You have my sword."

"And my bow." Legolas said, walking over to him.

"And my axe," said the the red haired dwarf. He glanced sullenly up at Legolas for a moment before turning back to Frodo.

"I will also come," the man from Gondor said, though he seemed reluctant.

You glanced at Father. He nodded once. You stepped forward.

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