The Hat. Bofur×Reader

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When Erebor was reclaimed, you lept for joy and danced the night away. Now all the dwarves, including you, could go home. Home.

Arriving at the doors, you nearly started crying. If only your parents could gave lived to see this day. This wonderful day. Your thoughts were cut short when someone bumped into you. As you fell, strong arms wrapped around your waist. You never met the ground.

"Whoops! Sorry lass!" the owner of the arms said. You looked up and were met with a smile and a hat. The man helped you stand up and extended his hand.

"I'm Bofur," he said. You took his hand with a smile.

"I'm Y/N. I'm not sure if I should thank you as it's your fault I almost fell." Bofur laughed and walked with you to the Great Hall.

"Are you here with anyone?" he asked. You shook your head and looked down, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Alright, I am now your official guide. I'll help you get settled in and then give you a grand tour!" You giggled a little, causing him to broaden his smile.

1 year later

You were bent over a jacket, sewing the buttons back on. Ever since you had met Bofur, life had started to look up. You didn't mourn for your parents, but rather accepted their sudden death. You also gained a job as a seamstress. Not many dwarves were as gifted in sewing as you, so you were often busy.

Something suddenly covered your eyes. You smiled as you pushed Bofur's hat out of your eyes.

"Why hello Bofur. What brings you to my workshop?" Bofur pulled up a chair in front of you. Your heart fluttered when you saw that special smile.

"I finished work early. I thought I would surprise you. Are you surprised?"

"Very. What are you going to show me tonight?" Ever since he found out that you liked looking at the night sky, Bofur had been bringing you to the most amazing stargazing spots. They always seemed to be better than the previous night.

"I found this really cool place by my room. I'll come by after supper?"

"Sounds great."

After Supper

You smiled when you heard the tapping on your window. Bofur, for some weird reason, liked to come in through your window. He only did that, though, when he brought you out to stargaze. Every other time he walked through the door like a normal person.

"Alright Bofur, where are we going?" you asked. Bofur simply smiled and led you across balconies before helping you up onto the roof. The he stopped you and said, "Look up."

You gasped. The sky was filled with stars. Constellations you had never seen filled your eyes. Before you could fully enjoy it, you turned to Bofur.

"This has to be the most amazing place yet. Thank you," you said. You leaned in a little closer. He leaned in a little more. You smiled as your lips connected with his.

When you seperated, you turned to the night sky. Bofur stood behind you, arms wrapped around your waist. You quickly took his hat and placed it on your head. He laughed as he rested his head on your shoulder. Together you watched the sky, Bofur stealing kisses as fast as you stole his hat.

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