Stolen. Bofur×Reader

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Bofur's hat seemed to be attached to his head. You noticed this when the company came stomping into your house, raiding your pantry. At least Bofur was a little polite about it, saying thank you.

Fili and Kili warmed up to you right away, becoming like brothers.

"Stop trying to step on my toes!" you shouted at them through your giggles. Being so bored that night, they made a game of trying to step on your ever shoeless toes.

Thankfully, you had quick reflexes. You jumped back or to the side, doing anything to avoid them.

Eventually, you started running around the other members of the company, laughing when the brothers would accidentally slam their boot down on someone elses foot. Everyone was game, though, shaking off the quick prick of pain and laughing along.

"Bofur! Hold her down!" Kili called as you jumped back.

Arms were suddenly around you, holding you in that spot.

"Bofur!" you shrieked through your laughter.

"Don't fret lass, it'll only be a quick moment of pain," he joked.

As Fili drew up his foot, your foot came back, hitting Bofur's shin. He let you go, and you leaped away, grabbing his hat and putting it on your head.

"Lass! Give it back!" Bofur called out to you as you scrambled up the nearest tree. While you may have been a respectable hobbit, it did not mean you didn't know how to act like a child or let your hair down.

You sat up in the branches, looking down at the company. Gandalf sat beneath a different tree, a hint of a smile on his lips. Thorin sat by the fire. While his face was sour, his eyes showed some amusement. Bofur looked downright mad while everyone else laughed at his misfortune.

"Come on lass! I want my hat back!" he called up.

"Why don't you come and get it?" you called back down using the same annoyed tone he had.

Bofur started to climb. It was slow going for him, and you soon became bored.

As he neared where you were, you saw him reach up to a branch that didn't look safe.

"Bofur!" you cried, grabbing his arm as the branch gave out. Instead of falling and injuring himself, you pulled him up to your branch.

"Thanks lass," he breathed, looking warily down at the drop.

"Anytime," you replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek while replacing his hat. As swift as a squirrel, you climbed back down, leaving a blushing Bofur behind.

At Beorn's...

"I am soooo bored!" Kili yelled at the trees. You, along with Fili and Kili, had been sitting in Beorn's garden since breakfast. While you were grateful you had shelter, doing nothing but rest had its downsides.

"Tra la la oh how bored you must be. Tra la la oh you can't be as bored as me," you sang from your tree.

"Do you know what you should do?" Fili called up to you.

"What?" you called back.

"You should go and take Bofur's hat!"

You giggled. Ever since you had first taken Bofur's hat, he was very cautious about it, never letting it out of his sight.

But, you were bored. So you climbed down and walked into the house. Bofur was sitting with Bombur, Ori, Dawlin, and Nori, talking. You stepped lightly up behind him, putting a finger to your lips when Ori looked up.

You came up right behind him, carefully reached out, and grabbed it. You turned and ran as fast as you could out into the garden. You heard Fili and Kili laughing and Bofur shouting for you to stop.

You put it on your head as you wove in and out of trees, laughing and taunting him. You faked left, causing him to run in that direction when really, you had climbed up a tree to the right.

"Lass! Come on! I need my hat!" Bofur called, looking up in the trees. He finally spotted you.

"I think 'need' is a very strong word," you called back.

"Don't make me come up there."

You leaned forward. "Try."

Bofur started to climb. He was halfway up when a branch broke and he went tumbling back down. Thankfully, he hadn't been that high up and only escaped with a bruised bottom.

"What do you want in return for my hat?" Bofur called up.

"Hmm, why don't you tell me something."


"I don't know. A childhood story. Your deepest, darkest secret. Anything. If I deem it fit, I'll come back down and give you your hat."

Bofur seemed to redden a little as he looked up at you. He swallowed and took a deep breath.

"Y/N, I'm not really sure how to put this, but ever since the first time you stole me hat, I felt different. I realized recently that you stole something else along with my hat."

"What?" you asked, confused. He looked right into your (Y/C) eyes.

"My heart."

You gasped, eyes widening. Slowly, a smile spread across your face as you climbed down. You turned to Bofur, took a step closer, and kissed him.

He was so surprised that he let you walk back to the house, hat still on.

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