Love. Fili×Reader

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You stretched, trying to wake up your body. You had stayed up WAY too late last night drawing, and this was your consequence.

"Y/N! You and your sister have to go to the market today! Hurry up and get ready!" called your mom.

You walked to your wardrobe and opened it, looking at your choices. You had narrowed it down to either robin egg blue with a dark green sash or warm brown with a light green sash when Lily, your sister, walked in. She was wearing an apple red dress with a muted orange sash. Her white apron was already tied around her waist.

"Hurry up! I've already bathed and eaten." You held up the two dresses. "Blue and green. Now come on!"

You stopped her and quickly grabbed your writing notebook. It was dark brown with a rose etched into the cover that fit in all of your pockets.

You have forgotten that I bathed last night. So HA!

Lily stuck out her tongue before she left. You changed, grabing your apron. You almost walked out of your room before you remembered your writing pad. As you grabbed it, you caught sight of your drawings.

Realistic flowers and random objects filled the papers. You gathered them together, tucking them in one of your desk drawers. Opening another, you pulled out another notebook. This one was the same brown as your writing notebook, but it had no etching in the front. This notebook-which would be used for drawing-was tucked in your sash. All your sashes had secret pockets for this notebook.

"Y/N! Hurry up!" called your mom.

You, with your writing notebook and apron, dashed out the room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Catch!" said Lily, tossing you an apple. You caught it, tucking it under your arm. You handed your apron to your mom, turning around.

"There you go," she said, tying the apron around your waist. Then she turned and grabbed a basket while you tucked your writing notebook in your pocket. "Basket, money, list, you are good to go!"

"Come on Y/N, we have 20 minutes of walking!" Lily exclaimed, heading towards the door.

"Don't let those kids say anything about you," your mom said. "You are amazing and wonderful. Good luck!" She kissed your head before you turned and ran out the door.

Lily was already at the gate, waiting. At 30(about 15(dwarves age differently(I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!))) she was already as headstrong as your dad. He worked in the forges from dawn to a little after noon.

You were 34(about 17) and you were always told you were as beautiful as a rose. That is, you were told by those who didn't tease and insult you.

As you neared the market, you saw a group of kids, all around you and Lily's age, hanging out by the side of the road. Lily glanced sideways at you, concerned.

"Hey look! It's Freak!" one of the boys shouted. His name was Trel, and he was the leader of the four guys.

"Hey Freak! What's going on?" called Nida, leader of the four girls.

You and Lily kept walking, avoiding eye contact. Unfortunately, they had other plans.

"Freak, you aren't going to be friendly today?" asked one of the boys as the group stepped onto the path, blocking your way.

"Excuse us," Lily said, trying to edge around them.

"What're you going to do Freak?" asked a girl. A boy pushed you, causing you to fall to the ground.

"Leave her alone!" shouted Lily. She tried to help, but was held back. You both made eye contact. This was going further than usual.

"Why don't you let her speak for herself? Oh wait, she can't!" sneered Nida.

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