Stubborn. Anodien×Thorin

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This chapter is dedicated to Litsa_Skywalker. I hope I wrote this to your liking!

Anodien crouched down in her tree. She had an aarow knocked, eyes searching the ground below her. She knew that she should be inside, learning the Mirkwood elves' history, but what fun was that? Besides, no one would come looking for her. Her parents died long ago, King Thranduil didn't know she existed, and the captain of the guard, Tauriel, was her best friend. She knew exactly where Anodien was, and wasn't going to send out a search party.

Anodien stood up when she heard a commotion a little ways away. As silent as silent could be, she jumped from tree to tree to where the noise was coming from.

Tauriel, Legolas, and some of the guard had captured some dwarves. Anodien quickly counted 13. An unlucky number. Thinking back to everything she had learned about dwarves, she knew that they were deeply superstitious. Why would they travel in a number of 13?

Anodien quickly climbed down, landing beside Tauriel.

"Hello. What have you caught today?" she asked in elvish, smirking when Legolas jumped.

"Could you be any quieter Anodien?" he asked, in a joking way. Tauriel smiled the tiniest bit. When she was on Captain mode, she tried not to smile or laugh.

"13 dwarves who were being attacked by spiders. Their numbers are growing," Tauriel said.

"Who's numbers are growing, the dwarves or the spiders?" Anodien asked. Legolas chuckled while Tauriel smiled.

Anodien took this time to look over the dwarves. They were dirty and covered with webs. They were all grumbling about being searched and captured. All but one.

He had black hair with a couple white streaks. Despite the white, he looked very young. He had piercing blue eyes that glared up at the elf that was searching him. It was a very threatening glare that made the elf hesitant and cautious as he searched him.

As the elf turned to give the weapons to someone else, Anodien saw him take a necklace off and stuff it in a pocket the elf had already searched. It looked as though it was a key, but she wasn't sure.

"There's 13 of them," Anodien mumbled to Tauriel.


"Dwarves are deeply superstitious, and 13 is an unlucky number. They would either take another person or leave on behind, not travel."

Legolas, who, of course, heard the conversation, moved over to the blue eyed dwarf, who was obviously the leader.

"Where is the other member of your company?" Legolas asked, ice lacing his voice.

"There was no other member," the dwarf replied. Anodien tightened her grip on her bow. She HATED stubborn people. They made conversations difficult and awkward.

"Dwarves would not travel in an unlucky number. Where is your other member?" Legolas asked, glaring. The dwarf glared right back. She hated to say it, but the dwarf's glare was scarier.

Legolas looked away first and called for them to move out. Anodien didn't want to go back, but she wanted to know more about these dwarves.

Anodien walked around the cells, looking for that dwarf. She finally found him. He was glaring at the wall, breathing deeply.

"It helps if you count to 10," she said. He jumped a little, but didn't turn to her. He looked anywhere but where she was, continuing to breath deeply.

She tilted her head, studying him. He was taller than most dwarves, less than a head shorter than her, but she was very short for an elf. His beard was well kept, short. It wasn't like he was trying to grow it out, because it was in a uniform shape. His messy hair was braided with beautiful metal clasps keeping them together. His hand, though trying to look natural, hovered close to his pocket.

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