The Soft Hand. Bilbo×Reader

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"Help..." weakly escaped your lips. You could hear footsteps coming closer. You could feel the hard ground. Someone was calling your name. For their sake, you bit your cheek to stay awake.

"Y/N! Y/N stay with me. Stay awake! Y/N please!" pleaded a voice. You blinked fast, wanting to obey.

"Shut up, I'm trying to stay awake," you said. Someone weakly chuckled. You were being lifted. you couldn't feel the warmth of the sun. You couldn't feel the dirty fabric.

What was happening?

"Stay with us Y/N. Just a little farther," said a voice. You weakly smiled.

"Beorn! I am Gandalf the Grey. Perhaps you have heard of my cousin Radagast the Brown. We are sorry to bother you, but one of our own is injured. Could you please help?"

The world started to darken. You kept blinking.

"It's getting dark. The darkness won't go away!" you cried. Someone cried out to you. You could feel nothing but the soft hand that held your own. The soft hand that stroked your cheek. The soft hand that promised a new life. The soft hand...

Pain greeted you. You winced as turned your head. Everything hurt. You opened your eyes. You were in a bed. You didn't know whose, only that it was huge. Light was pouring in a window. With a groan you tried to sit up.

"Y/N!" cried a familiar voice. Soft hands grabbed yours. You turned and looked into Bilbo's joyful eyes. You smiled and tried to sit up again.

"Here, let me help," Bilbo said. He gently helped you sit up. Oin peaked his head in and laughed when he saw you up.

"Gave us quite a scare Y/N! Nearly lost you," he said. You tried to remember what had happened, but your brain was fuzzy.

"What happened?" you asked.

"Wargs and goblins attacked. You got cut in the shoulder and bit in the center by a Warg. Luckily we were very close to Beorn's," Bilbo said.


"He's a skin changer. Really big man or really big bear. He's given us shelter and food."

"Y/N, I need to take a look at your wounds," Oin said. You stilled as he came closer. He took off your shirt and you were thankful you had an undershirt on. Oin gently unwrapped your shoulder as Bilbo hovered nearby.

Your shoulder had a cut that thankfully didn't run too deep. Oin quickly put ointment on it and wrapped it back up. Then he turned to your middle.

A lifetime couldn't have prepared you for the ugly marks covering your middle. They were inflamed and ran deep. Gently, Oin applied this weird leaf to a cut. Instantly, you felt relief. He did the same to the other cuts before applying ointment and wrapping you back up.

"You stay in bed for the rest of the day, okay?" Oin said. You rolled your eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry," you replied. Oin left, closing the door behind him.

"Y/N, do you need anything?" Bilbo asked. You thought for a moment. You were hungry but first...

"Come here," you said. Bilbo moved closer to you. With your good arm you reached out and grabbed his shoulder. Slowly you led him closer.

"Y/N," he whispered.

"Shh," you replied. Leaning closer, you foreheads were nearly touching.

"Y/N, when you got hurt-" Bilbo started to say, but you cut him off by closing the distance between you. Your lips met his. Gently, he cupped your chin. You moved you arm around him, pulling him closer.

Bilbo carefully broke off the kiss. He stared into you eyes. You stared into his. With a smile, he kissed your cheek and stood up.

"I'll get some food for you," he said. You watched him leave before doing a little victory dance. Maybe being cut and bitten wasn't so bad.

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