Savior of Middle Earth

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This is for ge0rg1aaa. I hope this is awesome enough for you! :-)

"Flora Evangeline!" The booming voice carried to her ears, making her cringe. Today was the day she got her mission.

She walked into the chamber, stopping in front of the chair holding the owner of the voice.

"Flora Evangeline, you know the history of the Shire, correct?"


"Tell me, what happened 200 years ago?"

"A hobbit by the name of Bilbo Baggins turned down the offer to go with Thorin Oakenshield and his company of dwarves to the Lonely Mountain to retrieve the Arkenstone. With the stone, Thorin could gather an army and kill the dragon."

"What was the outcome of that?"

"Thorin Oakenshield and his company were killed before they reached the mountain. The dragon Smaug grew in power and attacked all of Middle Earth, eventually arriving to the Shire. He destroyed the land beyond use and killed many hobbits."

"And now, 200 years later, us hobbit are still alive, but barely, living on the weak soil. The council has decided to change our history."

Flora looked up in confusion at the old hobbit. He was completely serious, waving a hand to the guard who was standing nearby. The guard brought a small box over to her.

She opened it, finding a bracelet and a dagger. They were both engraved with an hour glass.

"You, Flora Evangeline, have been training your whole life. Today, you will put your skills to the test.

"When you put on the bracelet, you will be sent back to the time of Bilbo Baggins, a year before the dwarves come. History will be changed slightly, so that you will be seen as a cousin of his who just lost her parents. He will take you in, and you must convince him to go on the quest.

"Once he has gone, you will take the bracelet and crush it. It will send you back, and hopefully, the Shire will be changed."

"I will do my best, sir."

Flora tucked the dagger into her belt, hiding it amongst the folds in her dress, and slid on the bracelet.


Flora opened her eyes. She was standing in front of a green door, a bag in hand. There were green hills and flowers all around. It was a beautiful place.

The door opened, and a hobbit with golden hair and a book in hand stood before her.

"Flora!" he exclaimed, wrapping her in a hug.

"Bilbo," she breathed, hugging him back. She had made it.

Over the year, the two of them grew very close. Flora helped Bilbo in his garden, relishing in the feel of the soft dirt. Everything was so perfect, she nearly forgot why she was there.

One night, the bell rang. Bilbo went to change out of his pjs, for some reason, while Flora answered the door.

A huge dwarf stood before her. He was tattooed and had way to many weapons for her liking.

"Dwalin, at your service," he said gruffly. Flora was speechless, before remembering her manners.

"Flora, at yours."

Dwalin marched in, dumping some of his weapons by the door. She stared at the pile, trying to remember something important.

"Got any food, lass?" Dwalin called from the kitchen.

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