Warmth. Bain×Reader

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This is dedicated to @bilbsbaggins

You knew the cold and wet well. You were never one for strangers, but you gladly welcomed the rare warmth of the sun if it ever managed to get through your small window. So small it was, you were surprised any air got in at all. At least when it rained and the lake flooded, not a lot of water got in.

The Master. The King of the Lake. His obsession for gold and power ran deep. You stole a coin. One small coin from his large collection. Somehow he knew. It was like he could sense it. He found you, locked you up. He probably forgot about you. It was easy to when you had no family to wonder.

An orphan at the age of 12. Prisoner at the age of 14.

You heard music being played above you. People laughed. You wanted to call out, but your voice had been damaged when you had been captured. The guards were gentle, but the Master. Who knew he had so much strength? He only let you go when Alfrid told him of the dangers of a dead child. You were near death when they threw you in here. Every other day bread was thrown at you through the iron doors. At least someone remembered you.

The following day was calm. The night wasn't.

You heard someone scream. It ripped you from your sleep. You went to the window, standing on the tips on your toes. There was an orange light. You squinted, but soon ducked out of the way. Fire came spilling through your window. You couldn't scream, but you could cry for the burns on your arm. You waved out of your window for help, but no one saw. Maybe they did, but they ignored you.

Until one boat stopped.

A tall lady with red hair pulled on the metal bars. To your surprise, they loosened. Soon, the bars were gone. A boy pulled you out, and you cried harder.

The tall lady directed the boat away from the fire. The boy jumped out just before you could escape. The other girls screamed his name. You cradled your damaged arm. What had caused this?

Just look into the sky. A huge dragon flew around, releasing it's fire on the poor wooden town. You heard people screaming. How many people wouldn't be saved? How many would perish?

Then the dragon fell. It crashed into it's own fire.

The sun was in the sky when you reached the shore. You collapsed on the beach. The girls you were with helped you up. The older one went around helping people up. The younger one looked around for her brother. The boy and a taller man finally appeared, and they all embraced. You sat away from the others and tried to work through the pain of your burns.

An older woman with a kind smile approached you. She asked for your name, but you couldn't answer. She frowned and darted off. She came back soon, dragging a man with black hair and a unibrow.

"Who is she? I know that there were rumors of a girl being held in the Master's personal dungeons. Is this her?" the woman demanded. The boy and his family were nearby. He turned and looked at you, and you held his gaze, trying to show how thankful you were.

"I think her name was (Y/N). She stole some of the Master's gold. Her punishment was five years in the dungeons. She still has three years before she can be set free."

He looked at you in such a way you flinched and felt nothing but disgust. The woman pushed him away. She left and returned with a weird paste and bandages. You noticed that lots of other people were receiving this treatment. You let her spread the cold and burning paste on your arm and tightly secure the bandage. She moved on, but was stopped by the tall man that had appeared with the boy.

He came near you, his family in tow.

"Hello, (Y/N). My name is Bard. This is my son Bain and my daughters Sigrid and Tilda."

You nodded and offered a weak smile. The boy extended his hand, and you hesitated before taking it. He pulled you to your feet.

You felt a strange warmth from these people. It was like everything you had been missing in your life stuffed into one moment. But when you looked at Bain, that warmth grew more intense, but less suffocating. You smiled. And he smiled back.

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