Eternity. Thorin×Bilbo

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Bilbo took a deep breath. Thorin had him lifted in the air. Bilbo had never seen him so angry.

"You treacherous little burglar!" he shouted. Bilbo stayed as still as he could.

"Thorin! Do not damage my burglar!" a familiar voice called. Gandalf threw off his hood so Thorin could see him. "Let Bilbo explain before you kill him!'

Thorin, not wanting to test the anger of a wizard, put Bilbo down.

"I gave them the Arkenstone as a peace offering. All they need is some gold to rebuild their home," Bilbo said.

"Get out of my sight," Thorin growled. Bilbo started to climb down to Gandalf, giving Thorin one last sad look. He wouldn't meet his eyes. Bilbo felt his heart shatter.

"Come on Bilbo, let's go," Gandalf said. Keeping his head high, Bilbo rode away with Gandalf. The second they were out of eyesight, he started to cry.

"Bilbo, that was just the gold sickness talking," Gandalf said.

"Then why do I feel so broken?" Bilbo said through his tears. Saying nothing more, the two continued on to the camp the Laketown men and the wood-elves had set up.

For days Bilbo would eat nothing. He would only talk when asked a direct question, and even then he would say as few words as possible. Then the Battle of Five Armies came.

Bilbo slipped on his ring and went through the battlefield, killing orcs and wargs as he went. After a while, he found the company. Bilbo protected them from orcs and wargs that tried to get them when their back were turned.

Then he saw Thorin. An orc was sneaking up behind him, sword in the air.

"No!" Bilbo shouted. He ran forward and jumped in front of the orc. The sword went through Bilbo as he chopped off the orcs head. Thorin turned as Bilbo took off the ring.

"Bilbo!" Thorin shouted. Bilbo looked down at his stomach. A sword was sticking through it. The weird part was that he felt no pain. He slumped to the ground as Thorin reached out and caught him, pulling the sword out.

"Bilbo, please stay with me. I'm sorry for everything. Please Bilbo, don't leave me," Thorin pleaded.

"Don't, don't apologize. I'm never going to leave you," Bilbo replied. He still felt no pain. Then, Bilbo saw an orc come up behind Thorin. Before he could say anything, a long knife was sticking through him.

"Thorin!" Bilbo shouted. It was then Bilbo felt the pain. Sharp, biting, clawing pain. Thorin pulled the knife out and collapsed next to Bilbo. They reached for each other's hands, trying to comfort the other.

That's how Beorn found them, barely alive. He carried them to safety. The healers quickly set to work, setting them in cots right next to each other.

Hours later, after the battle, Gandalf came to their tent. Smiling, he touched their hands, which were still entwined. With a sigh, they both left the mortal world.

"Hello?" Bilbo called. He was standing in the rolling green hills of the Shire, only, there were no houses anywhere.

"Bilbo?" a familiar voice called back.

"Thorin? Is that you?" Bilbo replied, running towards the area he heard the voice. At last he saw him. "Thorin!"

"Bilbo!" Thorin laughed, sweeping him into his arms. They embraced for a long while, drinking in each other's warmth.

"What happened? I remember the battle and you-" Bilbo was cut off by Thorin's lips against his own. He leaned into it, glad they no longer had to be careful others were around.

"I think, we are beyond their sight," Thorin said after he broke off the kiss. "Do you forgive me for being so cruel to you?"

"Thorin, all of that is behind us. There is nothing to forgive. Now come on. If this is the Shire, Bag End is this way," Bilbo said, taking Thorin's hand in his.

"I told you," Bilbo said after a minute. Even though they had only been walking for a little while, Bag End was in sight. Maybe it would only take a month the go to Erebor, if Thorin ever did want to go back to his home.

"What?" Thorin asked.

"I'm never leaving you."

Smiling, they walked towards their eternity together, never stopping to doubt what had happened while they were alive.

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