Devotion. Frodo×Reader

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This is dedicated to @kerrispillman

"I'm going with you."

"(Y/N), the elves have been around for centuries. They are the oldest race of middle earth. You can't just force yourself onto the boat."

"Frodo, sweetie, you married me for my attitude. And here it is. I'd like to see those elves try to stop me from getting on that boat."

You crossed your arms and stomped your foot for good measure. You could see his lips move upward the tiniest bit. It broke your heart seeing your husband like that sometimes. Before his adventure, you doing that made him laugh. Now he barely smiled.

You hadn't gone on the adventure. You had been at the pub with Rosie, helping her clean up. Because it was the two of you, you joked around and gossiped. It was so late when you finally made it home to Bag End, so it didn't surprise you when you didn't see a light on. But Frodo, your husband of two years was gone. He had left nothing but a note explaining everything about the ring and what he had to do. He told you to quickly pack and go stay with Rosie.

You did what he said, knowing that Frodo wouldn't just run off in the middle of the night if the cause hadn't been desperate. You packed what you needed and went to Rosie's. You showed her the letter and cried and let her care for you.

A year passed. Frodo was still missing, but you still didn't give up hope that he'd return. You ironed his shirts every Sunday, like he was still with you.

When he finally did return a month later, you hardly believed him to be real. He was wearing clothing that was so different from what he had left in. His pony was carrying chests and bags of treasure. You grabbed him the second his feet touched the ground and hugged him for a long time. He buried his head in your hair, and you realized he was crying.

He was different. His eyes always looked tired. His shoulders, once proud, now slumped ever so slightly. He didn't eat as much anymore. It was as if the life had been drained from him.

At first you had been furious with him. How could he up and leave you with nothing but a note and no promise of return? But that only lasted two days. You knew that he needed you, and you couldn't just leave him.

Two years after he had returned and Sam and Rosie had married and started a family, the elves had invited him to the Undying Lands. You had never met the elves, so they didn't extend the invitation to you, but you weren't about to let Frodo go that easily.

"(Y/N), please. I don't want to leave you, but I don't feel like myself here. I, I don't know how to explain it."

"You don't have to. I know that your adventure changed you. I don't blame you for going. But I will hate you and myself forever if I don't go with you."

He gave up. You only packed your clothes and the most valuable things; your books, the photos of your parents, and a baby blanket you had had since you were small. Frodo did the same, and pretended that he was packing Bilbo's things and not his own. He hadn't told his friends, in fear of never being able to leave.

You, however, had spent a day with Rosie, explaining everything. She listened patiently, only tearing her attention away to feed her children. She promised to keep the secret from Sam, and understood why you had to go. Frodo was your best friend. You loved him more than anyone. She tearfully told you goodbye. It didn't help when you told her that you and Frodo were leaving her and Sam Bag End. You knew she wanted a big family, and their small home didn't allow her to follow this dream. Now she could. You jokingly told her to name her next daughter after you, and she swore she would.

The elves greeted you with gentle smiles. Frodo said his goodbyes to his friends, and you both began to board.

"I did not realize you were coming," Lord Elrond said. You looked up at him and nodded.

"I couldn't let Frodo go off on another adventure without me." You silently dared him to tell you no. Lady Galadriel laughed softly.

"I don't think I have seen such devotion between two people. You have a place in the Undying Lands. Welcome, (Y/N)."

Frodo threw his arm around you and you couldn't stop smiling.

The Undying Lands brought your Frodo back. He seemed filled with life again. You were glad you decided to go with him, and the two of you lived happily ever after.

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