Bliss. Thorin×Reader

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Sighing, you turned towards the King Under the Mountain. His face showed the long days. His body showed all the stress he had gone through. His eyes were the only thing that showed his true emotions. Right now, it was love.

"What time did you get up today?" you asked, guiding him to a chair by the fireplace. "You were gone when I woke up."

"It had to be before dawn," he said sheepishly.

"Thorin," you sighed. Lately, he was getting up earlier, coming home later, barely taking any food. Something was up.

"Don't worry, I-" Thorin started to say before you cut him off.

"No Thorin, you can't say that to me. You're barely eating, not getting enough sleep, and working nonstop. Either you tell me why or I will tie you down to the bed so you will sleep properly."

In your head you realized how wrong that sounded, but you were really worried. The King stared up at you. You were probably the only one, besides his sister, who ever spoke against him.

Finally, he sighed in defeat.

"I've been sorting out things so I can take time off. I wanted to spend more time with you."

"So, a vacation?"


"You should have just told me," you said as you sat down on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. He automatically drew his arms around you, pulling you closer.

"I wasn't sure exactly how to."

You took a deep breath. It was now or never.

"I guess I can't stay mad at you, because I've been keeping a secret too." Thorin looked up at you curiously.

"Thorin, I'm pregnant."

His arms went slack as his jaw dropped. You giggled as you closed his mouth for him.

"You're, you're pregnant?"

"That's what I said."

He stood up, holding you bridal style, laughing as he spun you around.

6 years later

"Thena! Thena your father's home!" you called to your five year old daughter. You could hear Thorin coming to the door, his heavy footsteps resounding down the hallway.

"Daddy!" Thena shouted at the exact moment he opened the door. She came flying towards him, her long (Y/C) hair streaming behind her.

"Hello little one!" Thorin said, lifting up the little girl. "How do you always know when I've arrived home?"

Thena, luckily, was facing you, so all you had to do was put a finger to your lips.

"Magic Daddy. You should learn how to use it." With that, she jumped out of his arms and ran out of the room.

You moved away from the wall, smiling. Thorin opened his arms, welcoming you into them. You quickly gave him a kiss before leading him to the dining room.

After dinner, you and Thorin sat down by the fire watching Thena play with her dolls.

"Thena started flute lessons today," you informed. "Played three notes before loosing interest."

"She'll go back tomorrow," Thorin said.

"How do you know?"

"Because I did the exact same thing when I started learning how to play the harp."

You smiled as you stood up.

"Come on Thena! Bed time."

An hour later, you collapsed on your bed, tired from trying to put your hyper daughter to bed. Luckily, Thorin started singing, his deep voice lulling her to sleep.

"Tired already?" Speak of the devil...

"Nope. Just resting my everything." You heard his deep laughter. "Shut up."

"Come now, You have to at least get ready for bed." Thorin picked you up, flinging you over his shoulder as you squealed.

After a bath, you were both in bed. You cuddled up to him, smiling as you remembered what you were going to tell him.

"Hey Thorin?"

"Mmm?" he asked, voice muffled by your hair.

"I think, tomorrow, you're going to be the one telling Thena that she's going to have a younger sister or brother."

You could feel Thorin freeze up.

"Another child?" he asked hesitantly, as though he had heard you wrong.


He started laughing as he kissed you. Smiling, you both held each other a little tighter, wrapped in bliss and life.

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