Was Blind but Now I See

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Raina Baggins hated her life.

She had been born blind. This shouldn't have been a big deal, but no hobbit had ever been born blind. They all thought she was a mistake or an abomination.

What was worse was that no one wanted to marry her. Raina would've been fine with that, but only men can stay single. Women have to marry. So the leaders of the Shire set her up with Lotho.

Lotho was a vile hobbit that Raina hated, and he hated her as well. But she was rich and lived in Bag End, the biggest home in the Shire. Lotho's family wanted what she had, but they could only get it through marriage. Lotho was the only one the right age for the marriage in the family.

What was worse was that everyone thought Lotho was a respectable hobbit who could tame the apparently wild Raina.

Thankfully, Lotho was "traveling" for a while. That basically meant he was staying away for as long as he could before he had to get married.

Raina hated her life, but that all changed one sunny afternoon.

She was sitting on the bench in her front garden, book written in braille open on her lap, walking stick leaning on her leg, when a shadow fell on her.

Despite being blind, she could tell the difference between light and dark. The sun had been shining on her face, so she blinked when it became darker.

It was silent for a few moments before Raina said, "If there is someone there, you had better say something, because I hate talking to nothing."

"My apologies," came an old, kind voice. He paused for a moment. "Are you the daughter of Belladonna Took and Bungo Baggins?"

"Yes, why?"

"I was just making sure. I did not want to share my information with a random person."

"I'm sorry, but could you please tell me who you are?"

"I am Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey."

"Well, Gandalf, if this really is top secret information, why don't you come inside so no prying ears hear?"

"That sounds good, very good."

Raina stood up, gripping her walking stick, moving it back and forth while she walked.

"You do not have to pretend around me," Gandalf said.

"Maybe not around you, but there are eyes everywhere," she answered calmly, but inside she was wondering how he could have known about her pretending she needed a walking stick.

When Raina was small, very very small, her father had taught her a trick. She learned to send out vibrations. Vibrations that painted a sort of picture in her head that told her what was around her. At first she could only see what was in front of her, but now she can see at least a mile away.

Using the vibrations, Raina saw that Gandalf was holding a staff, but he was not leaning on it. He had to be a wizard!

Raina began to make tea for the two of them, being extra cautious around the stove. She was thankful that Gandalf didn't offer to help. She hated when people did that, as if Raina couldn't handle anything because she was blind.

Once the tea was on the table, Raina sat and waited.

It was silent for a while before she spoke up.

"If you're going to tell me, you had better say it now."

"Right, I am looking for someone to share in an adventure."

"You're asking a blind girl to go with you on an adventure?"


Raina paused, running her fingers over the rough wooden table. This was all she could ever hope for, but now that she had it, she wasn't sure she wanted it.

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