Tomorrow. Kili×Reader

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You woke up to the sound of crying, again. Groaning, you sat up and went to your baby daughter's room. She was an adorable thing with the loudest voice you had ever heard. Dis said that Kili was the same way.

"Hush now. Sh, it's okay," you said softly. "Don't worry, daddy's coming home tomorrow. Shh, shh."

After some rocking, your daughter fell back asleep. Sighing, you rubbed your eyes and went back to bed. Tomorrow the empty space next to you would be filled. Tomorrow.

"Hey! Girl in the blue dress!" called a voice. You turned and saw a handsome dwarf with black hair. You smiled sweetly at him, only to get a scowl back.

"Can I help you?" you asked.

"That's my sword you're using." You twirled the sword. In truth, you saw the sword laying on the ground, but you weren't going to tell him that.

"No, no I've had this sword for years. I think you're mistaken."

"Come on, I know that's my sword. My uncle gave it to me."

"Well, I know that this is my sword. My father gave it to me before he passed away," you looked down at the ground, pretending that tears were forming.

"You know what, fine, keep the sword. It's only the king you'll be making angry!" he said as he turned and walked away. You looked up and smiled.

You quickly tied a note to the handle and threw it at the dwarf. It lodged itself in the door infront of him. You didn't get to see his reaction as you were hiding behind a tree. You did hear him read the note out loud.

"I found the sword in the hall. You should take better care of your things. My father isn't dead. For some reason, I like you. Don't mess it up. I'm here tomorrow after lunch. And the name is Y/N."

"Y/N. Y/N," echoed through your dream. You opened your eyes and saw the same black haired dwarf from your dream.

"Kili!" you breathed out, sitting up so you could give him a hug.

"Yay! Mommy's up!" you're little 3 year old son exclaimed.

"Why don't you go get dressed buddy? Lessons with Balin start soon," Kili said. He nodded and ran off to find clothes.

"How long have you been home?" you asked, snuggling up agaisnt Kili, who was now sitting next to you.

"About 5 minutes. Which is enough time to find your son trying to get to the cookie jar," Kili said.

"Since when is he my son? That sounds like something you would do," you replied, poking his cheek.

"You know, this trip was my last one for a while," Kili said, smiling at you. You straightened and went in for a kiss.

"Waaaah!" came from your daughters room. You groaned a little as you broke off the kiss.

"I'll get junior ready," Kili said, moving off the bed. Smiling, you put on a robe and went to your daughters room. You finally had someone to take care of her at night.

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