A Star

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You looked around at all the people who had come to decide the fate of a small ring. Men, elves, dwarves, a wizard, a hobbit, and you. You, a Lenta. A star.

Quite recently you were granted permission to come to Middle Earth by the Moon and Night, your parents. They sometimes let curious Lenta come down and see the ground up close. It was this way that the elves came about, and why they adored the stars.

Lord Elrond began to speak about the ring, and you were sorry to say that you tuned him out. You knew this history well, you had watched it all happen. Instead you looked around.

You should correct yourself. Men, elves, dwarves, a wizard, four hobbits, and you. One hobbit hid in the bushes, two others behind columns. You smiled at the one under the bush, and he seemed to blush.

Lenta were fair creatures. Pale skin, long Y/C hair, piercing Y/C eyes, and a slender figure. You weren't very tall, but you weren't as short as halflings. Your hair, currently, was up in an intricate bun, held by a single pin.

You tuned back in as a dwarf stood suddenly, swinging his axe down on the ring. You caught a stray shard of his axe before it could hit Lord Elrond. He nodded gratefully at you, and you twirled the shard between your fingers, glad you had something to keep your fingers busy.

The man from Gondor began to argue that the ring could be used as a weapon. Another man, Strider, you had heard the hobbit call him, said it wouldn't work. But the man from Gondor would not listen.

An elf stood, telling the man off, saying that he spoke to Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir to the throne of Gondor. Strider, or Aragorn, said, "Sit down Legolas," in elvish.

The man from Gondor, however, did not give up.

You stood, speaking, "Ecnelis." The man stopped taking mid sentence and everyone looked at you. You raised your hand and pulled out the pin holding you hair up, then you used the shard to cut off a single strand. You walked towards the ring, holding the strand of your hair over it. You let go, and the second it touched the ring, it was turned to flame, the ashes falling around it.

It was then you spoke.

"This ring is dangerous to Lenta. It's power can burn us, even kill us. Our essence wouldn't be sent to the Moon and Night, and we wouldn't continue to live up in Skea, my home. Our light would fade, like my sister, Trissler. She fought with the elves, if I'm not mistaken."

Elrond nodded, and you continued.

"Sauron grabbed her, lifting her. With his power, he burnt her, and she faded from Skea. That ring must be destroyed, not used as a weapon."

You turned and went back to your seat, twirling your hair into a bun and pining it once more.

No one said anything for a while. Lord Elrond then spoke of casting it into the fires of Mordor, where it had been forged. Soon, everyone was arguing. The men said it would be too risky. The elves said it needed to be done. The dwarves didn't trust the elves. The wizard sided with the elves.

Only the hobbit still sat in his chair, along with you. You watched him carefully as he stared at the ring. He seemed to be worlds away. Then he stood up.

"I will take it!" he shouted. No one heard him, even you didn't, but you understood the importance of his words.

You stood once more, yelling, "Ecnelis!" Everyone stopped talking at once, mildly surprised they couldn't speak. You lowered your hand and turned to the hobbit.

"I will take the ring to Mordor," he said in a small voice, like he wanted someone to tell him no. "But I do not know the way."

"I will show you the way," the wizard said somewhat sadly, placing a hand on the hobbit's shoulder.

Aragorn stepped forward. "You have my sword."

"And my bow," said Legolas.

"And my axe," said a dwarf.

The man from Gondor stepped forward. "Gondor will help you."

Suddenly, the hobbit who was hiding under the bush burst forward. "You can't send Mister Frodo anywhere without me!"

"Yes," replied Elrond, "it seems we can't. Even when he was invited to a secret meeting."

The two hobbits from the columns ran in as well.

Elrond was doing his best to continue looking stern, and you smiled.

He announced that this group of nine would be called, "The Fellowship of the Ring." You dismissed yourself, walking to the highest point in Rivendell. There you waited until night came.

"Would it be possible for me to join them?"

"I do not know. We do not want you so close to that evil. You already took a huge chance today."

"I will not be carrying it, I will be helping the hobbit get to Mordor. I will be avenging Trissler, in a way."

"I can see that there will be great peril ahead. Are you sure you want to continue?"

"I am sure. I want to do some good in the place I have watched for so long."

"Here are your weapons. Do not stray from your task, and do not try to do more than you are asked. These days are long, and it will take longer for us to come."

"I understand."

The next day, you confronted Frodo. "Would it be too late for one more person to join your Fellowship?"

He glanced at Gandalf, then Elrond, before replying. "We could always use another fighter."

And that is how the Fellowship came to ten, a member from each race.

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