ThIRTY TwO { don't forget }

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Jungkook laid still while Taehyung pressed gentle kisses upon his shoulder. He gradually made his way up until he was lapping at the skin of Jungkook's throat, sucking a hickey there — which is a first for him, but Jungkook didn't seem to mind the affection.

Normally, Taehyung was the one who received body-worshipping kisses and tickles to distract him from post-copulatory soreness, but this time, Taehyung decided that Jungkook was the one who deserved a few extra kisses. He had to return the favor anyway; Taehyung's neck was covered in bruises, there was nowhere left for Jungkook to mark in that area if he so chose, so it was Taehyung's turn to mark him up.

Jungkook hummed in delight as Taehyung's mouth took purchase on a new part of his neck to leave blotches of red and purple there too.

"Y'know..." Jungkook drawled, tilting his chin up to allow Taehyung more room. "...all you're doing with that mouth of yours is getting me excited for a second round." He said, voice deep as he snaked his arm around Taehyung's waist.

Taehyung paused and raised his head to meet Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook had this shameless smirk on his lips that made tingles slither up his spine.

"You're not serious."

Jungkook shrugged. "I am, if you can handle it."

"You're unbelievable," Taehyung said, a smile of his own twisting his lips. He giggled as Jungkook squeezed his waist. "We can do round two if you let me top this time."

Jungkook cocked a brow and stared at Taehyung for a moment, thinking. He crawled into Taehyung's lap, swinging his legs on either side of him to straddle his hips. Taehyung instantly wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist and sat up to press his body against Jungkook's. His chin only came up to Jungkook's chest in this position.

"Just once, Jungkookie."

"You couldn't top me, darling," he said with a snicker.

"I could," he said, and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth to (unsuccessfully) hold back his smile. He grabbed Jungkook's ass and squeezed, pulling his hips close.

"Mm, no, you couldn't."

"Says who?" he challenged. "I've topped before and I've only gotten good reviews."

"Uh-huh." He laughed a little. His hand snuck down the space between them, and he palmed over Taehyung's dick, smirking as he felt him twitch against his hand. "You think I tease you too much when you bottom for me already, but I would tease the fuck out of you if you fucked me."

"I-I'm fine with that." Taehyung cracked a nervous smile.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "No way."

He pouted and went to speak again, but he had nothing to say. They sat in their silence, both of them waiting in anticipation for the other to make a move. A second round was inevitable, it just depended on who would make the first move—

A faint thumping noise resonated through the house.

Either it was a knock — which was more than unlikely — or it was Taehyung's pounding heartbeat — way more likely. But Jungkook went rigid in Taehyung's arms, meaning that the thumping noise didn't come from Taehyung's ribcage.

"Who... who is that?" Taehyung asked him. It could barely be considered a question; his voice came out so small that he could barely hear himself. He felt the need to whisper even though their visitor couldn't hear him. But he panicked. The last person, and only person thus far, to visit them was Yoongi... and it couldn't be him now.

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