ThREE { pda }

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Taehyung walked into the campus's commons area the next morning with a newfound pep in his step.

And it's not from kissing his teacher the night before—which is something he tends to remind himself of every fourteen minutes.

It's because he (one:) listened to Mr. Jeon and slept for the recommended number of hours last night, and (two:) he just feels good; an exhilarating kind of good that rushes through his system similarly to drinking water after chewing mint gum. It tickles his skin with gooseflesh and makes his cheeks flush with color.

Okay. Maybe it does have something to do with the serious make-out session he had fifteen hours ago, despite how desperately he tries not to think about it.

It's a lot easier to forget about when a familiar face slings her arm across his shoulders.

"Well, hello, stranger," Dahyun greeted, pulling him closer. It's a very awkward half-embrace because of her small stature, and attempting to walk with a short person pulling you down by the shoulders doesn't work very well, but they try.

Taehyung smiles. "Hey."

"What happened to you?" she asks in a way that hints she'll answer her own question. "You look happy."

"Oh." That makes him smile even more. "Nothing. I'm just in a good mood."

Dahyun hummed a little "okay" and took over their stride, sloshing the iced coffee in her plastic to-go cup as she led Taehyung over to one of the tables in the corner of the commons. There, Namjoon sat waiting. Looking at the back of his head gave Taehyung a feeling that he was forgetting something...

When they joined Namjoon at the table, it took Taehyung one second to meet his eyes and remember.

"Oh, shit," he swears as he takes the place beside Namjoon. "I forgot to call you back. Fuck, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." Despite his words, the smile on Namjoon's face doesn't reach his eyes, and doesn't make his dimples pop.

"No, no, really. I'm sorry I forgot." Taehyung isn't surprised it slipped his mind last night. When he returned to his dorm after leaving Mr. Jeon's place, his mind was far elsewhere and very horny. Returning Namjoon's call was nowhere near his Top-Fifty list of things to do.

"It's fine, Tae. I get it, you were busy."

Those words make Taehyung's cheeks flare up. "Still. I told you I would."

Namjoon shakes his head a little, his smile looking more and more forced by the second. "Forget about it. It's just a dumb phone call. Doesn't matter anymore."

Taehyung frowned. The table stayed quiet for a minute or two more, awkwardly tense between the two, while Dahyun looked about ready to explode with questions. Then Namjoon's phone buzzed. He read whatever alerted him and stood without a word, slinging his bag over his shoulder and pushing in his chair.

"Wait, where are you going?" Dahyun asked him, ready to stand too.

"I've... got a thing," Namjoon says, gaze flitting between her and Taehyung. "I'll see you guys around though. And Taehyung—"

His head snapped up at the mention of his name.

"—we'll talk later, yeah?"

"Yeah. Yeah, of course."

Namjoon offered his friends a smile before walking away.

"Jeez, what was that about?" she asks with a frown, not looking for an answer. "He ran away like he was being chased or something."

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