ThIRTY { sad isn't it }

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TW // this chapter features descriptions of a brief anxiety attack which may be triggering to some readers.

viewer discretion is advised. as of this point you've been warned.

"Alright, I'm heading out!" Jungkook announced as he twirled his keys around his finger. He placed a quick peck on the top of Taehyung's head for a farewell on his way towards the hall.

"Ah, wait—" Taehyung grabbed on to his pant leg just before he stepped out of reach. Jungkook turned around quickly. "Can we talk before you go? Just for a minute."

"Oh. Sure, of course." He sat down next to him, and Taehyung plastered on a smile. The expression seemed to relieve the crease of worry between Jungkook's brows. "What's on your mind?"

"We should get a dog," he said, confident. It was already set in his mind that Jungkook would say 'yes' without question and whisk a puppy into his arms the next moment. Really, he had no reason to deny him.

"Huh?" Confusion came back to his expression. "Why?"

"Or a cat!" he added quickly. "Maybe a hamster." He continued blurting out thoughts as they came, rather than answering Jungkook's question. "My first choice would be a dog, but whatever you think is good I'll be fine with too."

Jungkook shook his head a little, but it was more out of thought-processing than rejection.

"Darling, we don't need a pet."

"Well, I know we don't need one," Taehyung chimed, smiling wider as he found himself clever. "But it'd be really nice to have one — or two!"

"Two?" He chuckled at his persistence. He found Taehyung's excitement endearing; adorable. But Taehyung could tell he thought his behavior was childish; he wasn't taking Taehyung all that seriously.

"Yeah! Don't you think it's a good idea? I—"

"What's going on with you? Why the sudden interest in house pets? I've never heard you talk about this before."

Taehyung pressed his lips into a line, his gaze flitting around the room as he thought it over. "I dunno. I'm lonely."

" 'Lonely'?" he repeated. His voice dropped into a deep mumble. "But you have me."

"I mean, I'm lonely when you leave."

"I don't leave that often, though—"

"I know that, but when you do leave, you're gone for most of the day and I get bored and lonely. It kinda sucks."

Jungkook frowned at that. "Oh. I didn't realize it was like that. I'm sorry."

"You wouldn't have to be if we got a dog," Taehyung said in a sing-songy tone as his cheeky smile returned. "Or a cat."

"Right... but I don't think we can do that."

Taehyung's smile faltered a little. "Why not?"

"Dogs are a big responsibility and they cost a lot. They're loud and need training and they chew on everything," he explained as he carded his fingers through Taehyung's hair, yearning to kiss his pout away. Taehyung opened his mouth to speak, but Jungkook beat him to it, already knowing where he was trying to take this. "The same goes for cats."

"You know what isn't as big of a responsibility?"

Jungkook sighed, obviously uninterested. "What?"

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