TwENTY FiVE { blue }

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Taehyung didn't dare to ask about Yoongi. Not once.

He just gained Jungkook's trust back, he can't risk losing it again. And while only asking about Yoongi — after he already made it clear that Yoongi had nothing to do with his escape attempt — wouldn't necessarily break Jungkook's trust, it certainly would piss him off. The last thing Taehyung needed or wanted was Jungkook angry.

But much to Taehyung's surprise, it was Jungkook who brought up Yoongi first.

"Do you want to go see him?"

Taehyung jolted in his seat at the sound of Jungkook's voice. It came out of nowhere. Jungkook was washing the dishes while Taehyung sat across the kitchen island, drawing in his coloring book. It had been completely silent between them, and Jungkook didn't look at him as he spoke, but the question wasn't meant to go unanswered.

Ever since being released from his extended punishment earlier that day, conversation wasn't exactly the norm. Sure, they talked, but not like they used to. It was shallow conversation about whatever they were doing, and Jungkook definitely wasn't the one instigating their chats for once. Taehyung didn't really mind it, though. He would love to be mute and deaf and blind as long as he could be around Jungkook — lack of conversation was a superficial issue.

But now Jungkook was suddenly asking him a question? Directly? It rightly caught him off-guard.

"Yoongi?" he replied, confused.

"Yeah. Who else." 

Jungkook still didn't look at him, but Taehyung put down his colored pencils and everything, turning his full attention on Jungkook — this was going to require his full attention anyways, but he also wanted to show Jungkook he was really listening.

"Uh... I—"

"So, do you want to go see him? Give him dinner and all that?" Jungkook's voice came off monotone, but Taehyung didn't miss the hint of jealousy in his words.

"I mean... if you're okay with it, then yeah."

"I'm not asking if you'll do it if I'm okay with it. I'm asking if you would like to go see him."


Should he say yes? That answer felt wrong, because it would fuel Jungkook's jealousy, wouldn't it. Taehyung didn't want him to feel that way, but he also really, really wanted to see Yoongi. And Jungkook was the one asking him anyway...

"Um, yes, I would." His throat choked up at the instant those words left his lips. It felt surreal; Jungkook bringing up something like this with a positive intention — probably a positive intention.

He sighed as he finally looked up to face Taehyung. "Okay."

" 'Okay'?" Taehyung repeated, his chest fluttering with hope.

He could barely believe Jungkook was letting him see Yoongi so soon — part of him feared that he would never be allowed to see Yoongi again.

Jungkook piled cold, leftover rice into a bowl and filled a glass with water. He placed the items in front of Taehyung, who stared at them with a look of awe.

"There's nothing to gawk at," Jungkook said sternly, interrupting Taehyung's wishes being fulfilled. "If we're going to go, let's go."


Taehyung picked up the bowl and cup and held them close to his chest, as if they were precious treasures. He followed Jungkook up the stairs to Yoongi's cell. His whole being buzzed with anticipation as they approached the door.

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