FoUR { chamomile }

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"You what?"

Taehyung jolted at Mr. Jeon's tone.

"I-I just... don't feel too good about it," he said, twisting his fists in the duvet.

Mr. Jeon's brow furrows and his expression of anger fizzles out in seconds. "Why? Did I hurt you?"

He sighs. "No. No, I just—"

"So what's the matter?" Before giving Taehyung a chance to answer, Mr. Jeon shoots up to his feet. He grabs Taehyung by the ankles and yanks him closer so Taehyung sits on the edge of the bed and Mr. Jeon stands between his legs. He cups Taehyung's jaw, forcing him to meet his eyes. "Does it have something to do with Namjoon? Because, y'know, you don't have to feel guilty. That relationship is—"

"It has nothing to do with Namjoon," Taehyung interjects.

Mr. Jeon's head cocks to the side. "Then what is it?"

"This... it's just wrong." He carefully clasped Mr. Jeon's wrists and gently pulled his hands away from his face.

Mr. Jeon smiles, but it falters quickly to a look of disbelief when he realizes it's not a joke. He scoffs. "It's not wrong. There's nothing wrong with what we're doing—"

"Yes, there is something wrong; there... there's a lot wrong with this. You're my teacher. If someone finds out about this, you could lose your job and I-I could get kicked out of school and—"

"None of that matters." Taehyung jerks in surprise, and Mr. Jeon is quick to continue and not let Taehyung think about his words too hard. "We're both adults and we're doing this consensually. I'm not propositioning you with money or better grades and you're not doing that either. We—"

"It's still wrong."

"No, it's not." His tone rumbled through the room, coming out aggressive and stern, as if he were scolding a child or a pet.

Taehyung froze, save for his gaze flitting back and forth between Mr. Jeon's eyes. Then, his stare landed on the door just beyond Mr. Jeon's shoulder.

"I... I think I'm gonna leave now," he announced in a whisper.

Taehyung slipped away and rushed to the door as calmly as possible, until a firm grasp on his wrist tugged him back.

"Hey, hey. Wait a minute."

Mr. Jeon turned Taehyung around and gripped his other wrist too. But what's more alarming is how he stormed forward. Mr. Jeon forced Taehyung's back against the nearest wall, shoving him hard enough to push air right out of his lungs.

"I didn't mean to upset you. I misspoke. Let's forget about it, alright?"

Despite his harsh grip, his tone is soft. It's a complete one-eighty from his manner before, but everything else—his demeanor, his fingernails digging into Taehyung's skin—raised too many red flags.

Mr. Jeon mashed his lips against Taehyung's, forcing the back of his head against the wall. Taehyung whimpered in surprise and froze up, eyes wide open despite Mr. Jeon's closeness.

When he let their lips part for a moment, Taehyung shoved him away. He barely moved, but it's enough to send Mr. Jeon the message he's so obviously ignoring.

"Hey, cut it out! You're making me uncomfortable," he declared. "I-I want to leave."

Mr. Jeon blinks, then a frown tugs at the corners of his mouth. The harshness in his touch melts, but he doesn't let go of Taehyung's wrists yet. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

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