FiVE { sedative }

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bit of a longer chapter than usual, sorry. please bear with me 🥺

Taehyung arose from a new kind of sleep. A dreamless, drowsy slumber that tired him out more than anything. He felt the soreness in his body before he even opened his eyes. Every joint cracked and stressed when he tried to move, and every muscle felt strained even when lax. He must've slept funny in the night.

Taehyung's body instinctively relieved the tension with a pandicular response, but as he went to stretch, something held him back.

His eyes flew open.

Lying on his back, the first thing he saw was the ceiling. But it's not his ceiling. Looking around, he found he's not in his bedroom at all. Hell, he's not even in his own clothes anymore.

He's in Mr. Jeon's room. In Mr. Jeon's bed. Presumably wearing Mr. Jeon's pajamas.

Taehyung tried to move again, but his wrists and feet refused to separate. He tugged a little harder, but whatever was holding his arms above his head would not give.

Duct tape bound his hands to a post of the headboard, while more tape kept his feet together.

This better just be some kinky shit.

He thrashed beneath the blankets as he tried harder and harder to rip the sticky constraint apart, but it didn't budge. Anxiety filled his throat and the entire bed frame began to shake with his efforts.

"Mr. Jeon?" he calls, panic filling his voice when nothing but echoing footsteps answers. "Hey! Mr. Jeon!"

The door creaked open and Mr. Jeon poked his head in. A smile grew instantly. He closed the door behind him, approaching as he cradled a steaming mug in one hand.

"Good, you're up." He says as he sets his mug on the bedside table. The ceramic comically displays the lyric: everything little thing's gonna be alright. "I was just about to come wake you."

"What the fuck is going on?!"

Mr. Jeon takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "Oh... I thought it would be a little obvious."

It is obvious. Extremely. Taehyung just doesn't want to believe it.

"Taehyung, I love you." Mr. Jeon runs a gentle hand down Taehyung's side. He shudders and jerks away, but the restraints keep him from moving out of Mr. Jeon's reach. "Life is stressful, especially in college, but it started to affect you so drastically. I notice you're even losing weight..." He traces down one of the deep grooves between Taehyung's ribs, dramatized by his arms being stretched above his head. "I saw you strung to your last thread. You told me yourself how upset you were."

"So you kidnap me?!"

Mr. Jeon sighs, and his jaw sets tight. " 'Abduction' is the technically correct term, but I, personally, prefer neither. I'm helping you. Saving you."

Taehyung squeezes his eyes shut as he shakes his head rapidly from side to side. "I don't want your help. Let me go."

He opened his eyes, hoping to wake up from this nightmare, but instead still found Mr. Jeon with his head tilted to the side, a sympathetic smile plastered on his lips.

"Well, I don't want to let you go, darling," he whispers. Darling, darling. Taehyung knew that was weird. "I just hated it when you left the other day. I couldn't stand it. I hated seeing you with Namjoon when I know he's nowhere near good enough for you. Frankly, I hate the idea of you being around anyone who could hurt you..."

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