TwO { fun }

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"My last session ends at five. Come to my classroom then."

When the shorthand of the clock met five, Taehyung made his way over to Mr. Jeon's classroom.

He decided to arrive a few minutes late; he didn't want to get there right on time—he didn't want to seem too eager for their meeting.

He came up to Mr. Jeon's classroom as the last of his peers were trickling out. Butterflies fluttered in his chest as he lingered in the open doorway. Shivers rolled down his spine as he mulled over the thought of being alone with his professor for longer than eight minutes this time.

He hadn't realized how long he'd been standing there until Mr. Jeon interrupted his scattered thoughts.

"—llo, Taehyung."

Mr. Jeon's voice rings with a smile, and Taehyung can't help but mirror his grin when he meets his teacher's eyes.

"Hi." He felt his cheeks flame up already. Taehyung stepped inside and came to stand in front of Mr. Jeon's desk.

"Are you ready?"

He nods a little too quickly. "Yes, sir."

Taehyung's expression etched with confusion when Mr. Jeon stood from his seat and swung his computer bag over his shoulder. He even pushed in his desk chair. Are they not studying here?

"So... where should I sit?" he asked, tentatively following Mr. Jeon's steps, who's now walking towards the exit.

He turns and looks at Taehyung with a crease of a question digging between his brows. "Huh? Oh, we won't be working here."

"Why not?" Where else is there for them to go?

Mr. Jeon places a hand on the door handle, ready to tug it open again. "I thought we could run down to a coffee shop nearby and study in a more... casual setting. I think it would be a little awkward if someone came in to find us alone."

"Oh, okay." Good. Maybe a casual setting would help Taehyung relax more.

They left the classroom and parted ways in the parking lots. Taehyung followed Mr. Jeon's car to a nearby café, but when they arrived, Taehyung found the coffee shop crowded like he's never seen. This spot is usually pretty mellow, but today it took Taehyung over nine minutes just to find parking. What's so special about today?

Taehyung sighed and slouched in his seat. Maybe there's an open mic or some other event he didn't know about. Maybe a sale?

He jumped at the racket of knocks rapping against his window. Mr. Jeon.

"It looks pretty crowded," Mr. Jeon says when Taehyung rolls down his window. "I don't think we'll be able to get much done in there."

"Yeah." Taehyung glances past him at the café again. "Maybe we should just try again another day."

Mr. Jeon waves his hand as if trying to shoo Taehyung's suggestion away, his eyes migrating elsewhere as he speaks up. "No, no. We've already come this far." He sighs dramatically loudly during a lengthy pause. "I'll tell you what: I don't live too far from here. Would you be comfortable studying at my place?"

Taehyung gulps. "Oh, uh, sure."

It couldn't hurt. It's just to study.

As he drove, Taehyung's fingers drummed nervously against the steering wheel as if the thumping could help his brain ponder the situation. This isn't bad. Mr. Jeon offered to help him out. They're just going to study. 

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