FiFTEEN { i love you }

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CW: horny stuff ahead

"Tae, do you want anything? I'm going into town," Yoongi asked as he stood from the kitchen island, holding his keys tight in his fist to stop them from clinking together.

"You're heading out already?" Jungkook chimed in.

"Yeah. Why, you need something?"

"Uh, yes actually." He went over to the junk drawer in one of the kitchen counters, sifting through the mess. "I've got a couple of things I've been meaning to get; if you wouldn't mind picking them up for me."

Jungkook handed him a little sheet of paper. Yoongi skimmed over it, his brow furrowing for a moment.

"Okay." Yoongi stuffed the slip in his pants pocket as he made his way to the hall. He spun around in the doorway, poking his head back in the kitchen to say, "Tae, are you sure you don't want anything?"

He nodded. "I'm good. Thanks."

Jungkook walked Yoongi out. Taehyung could overhear their low voices, whispering somewhere down the hall. He waited obediently for Jungkook to come back for him when Yoongi left.

"He'll be gone for a while," Jungkook said when he returned.

"Why is Yoongi going into town?"

"Uh. The last time he came up here was, like, two years ago or something, right. So he loves this little café-place in town and wanted to visit it again. Getting my groceries for me is just a convenience thing."

"Oh. He's fine going alone?"

"Yeah, yeah." Jungkook waved his hand in dismissal. "He knows the area well and he typically likes to go out alone, so."

Taehyung would have expected Yoongi to want Jungkook — and maybe Taehyung too — to join him.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. Jungkook came to stand beside him, half-leaning with his backside against the edge of the breakfast table.

"We can just chill out until he gets back," he suggested.

"That's all we ever do," Taehyung said as he cracked a smile.

"Is that an objection?"

"No. I'm fine with whatever."

Jungkook smiled too and took Taehyung's hand to bring him into the living room. They settled down on the couch and watched old Disney movies on DVD. That's it. They started with The Princess and the Frog, as they both agreed that it has the best soundtrack in Disney movie history, second only to Mulan, but they don't have that on DVD.

Halfway through it, Taehyung wasn't really watching anymore. The volume was barely turned up enough to hear without dominating the atmosphere, making it easy to dissociate and think about nothing in particular.

Jungkook was lying on his stomach on top of Taehyung, his head on Taehyung's chest. Taehyung was on his back with his head propped on a throw pillow by the armrest and had an arm tucked behind his head for a little extra leverage.

They didn't start out in this position, it just happened

Jungkook was originally sitting up with Taehyung's legs draped over his lap, but when Dr. Facilier's song came on, Jungkook got all playful and sang along as he climbed on top of Taehyung, acting as if he were about to trick him into a warped deal too. He tickled and teased him for the duration of the song, and when it ended, he settled down and laid on top of him. That's how they got here.

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