FoURTEEN { wrong }

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Taehyung slinked back into the living room, eliminating the chance of "Yoongi" catching sight of him as he embraced Jungkook down the hall. Taehyung could barely hear their conversation now, but he was too busy with his own thoughts to focus on what they were saying.

Yoongi? The name was unfamiliar, he's never heard Jungkook mention him before — then again, Jungkook has never mentioned anyone by name before. They must be friends, Jungkook and Yoongi. That's a good sign, right? They seemed friendly enough with each other. But what could he be doing here?

Taehyung was so busy with his unanswered questions that he failed to hear Jungkook and the stranger approaching. He jolted when Yoongi appeared in front of him mid-stride, jumping back to avoid running into him.

"Jesus fuck—" Yoongi muttered under his breath. Jungkook came in right after him, looking a little panicked himself; pale too. "Jungkook?" he asked, wide eyes still glued to Taehyung. "What, uh... d'you mind telling me what's going on?"

"You would know if you called first," Jungkook said, not all that quietly and unsurprisingly passive-aggressive.

"Right, I should call before coming up to visit my own property." Yoongi rolled his eyes. He cleared his throat and a faux smile appeared on his thin lips. "Hi. I'm Yoongi."

Taehyung gave him the tiniest bow of his head before looking past him at Jungkook, waiting for a cue. What was he supposed to do? Introduce himself, sure, but was he supposed to use his real name? Was he even allowed to talk to this man?

"Yoongi—" Jungkook tugged him back by his shoulder, drawing his attention away from Taehyung — he instantly wanted to take the chance to slip away and hide upstairs, let Jungkook handle this on his own. "Wanna come in the kitchen and talk for a sec'? I think—"

"Let me meet your buddy first. You brought him here of all places so I think I have a right to know who he is."

They both looked at Taehyung again and he froze. "U-Um..."

"So what's your name?" he asked with the same toothy smile plastered on just like before.

Taehyung looked to Jungkook again, staying quiet, hoping for him to take over and do what he was supposed to: make sure Taehyung doesn't fuck up. But Jungkook didn't say anything. Yoongi cocked a brow; growing impatient.

"What, are you nonverbal or something?"

"C-Can I..." Taehyung stammered, blinking between the two who were both beginning to furrow their brows. "...go to the bathroom?"


"Sure, doll," Jungkook said.

Yoongi turned to Jungkook again to ask: " 'Doll'?"

Taehyung didn't stick around for Jungkook's explanation for the pet name. He spun on his heel and sped-walked right up the stairs and into his bedroom's en suite. He just needed to hide for a second, catch his breath, and figure out what the fuck he was supposed to do since Jungkook wasn't being very helpful.

Seeing another human face that's not Jungkook, and having to talk to it — to him... a real person, it's weird. Taehyung doesn't know this person's boundaries, what he should or shouldn't talk about — he has all the social boundaries between him and Jungkook well established, but Yoongi was a complete mystery. It made Taehyung's voice box want to shrivel up and die just so he could have an excuse to never open his mouth.

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