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Hi! Ok! Let's get started lol~~

"Do you plan on publishing any other books? If you're planning on writing another Taekook book, are they also gonna follow a psychological thriller theme?" / "Will you write another Taekook book?" / "Do you maybe have any new books coming up in the future? I really like your writing and I'd love to read more stuff from you!!" / "Are there any other stories written by you?" — asked by @Lulv1020 , @AshlovesTae0613 , @selinatae , @louis_prada_gucci

Absolutely! I've got a couple projects in the works right now, but TP is the only story I've published so far. All of the stories I'm working on are Taekook-focus. I wouldn't exactly call my works-in-progress "psycho-thrillers," but a couple of them are more mainstream-YA-types, and the others are more not-so-mainstream, hehe. You can expect some new work around August, 2021 (but don't actually hold me to that lmao)!

"How long have you been writing for? Are you a professional author?" — asked by @louis_prada_gucci

I've been writing for literally my entire life — when I was in elementary school, I would write one-page stories and go around my block selling them for a dollar. I'm definitely not a professional author, haha, and I don't think I want to be one. I think I'll just stick to Wattpad 😇

"Where are you from?" — asked by @louis_prada_gucci

The U.S.

"How long have you been a BTS Army?" — asked by @louis_prada_gucci

For like, 2 and a half years. In December of 2018, I stumbled upon the MV for "We Are Bulletproof Pt. 2" and lowkey said... wtf. I had heard of BTS once before from a friend but had never checked them out. So I got curious and watched virtually all of their music videos, then decided I loved them. I started writing fanfiction nearly exactly a year later.

"What was your inspiration for this story? I'm really interested because most TK stories are more heavily in the romance genre and I'd like to know why you decided to write something different." — asked by @selinatae

Interestingly enough, I was actually inspired to write a concept like this because of two TikToks I saw in 2018. The plot that TP ended up being is nothing like the TikToks that inspired it, which I find hilarious. It just kinda evolved on its own throughout the years, but that's how it started!

"What was the last promise Taehyung mentioned near the end?" / "The major promise that Taehyung has to fulfill, is it the one he made to Jungkook about reuniting?" — asked by @Ibelostasftho , @cupcakes3yummy

He promised to find Jungkook again.

"Idk if this is too personal but are you a psych major?" / "What are you studying?" — asked by @Ibelostasftho , @louis_prada_gucci

Yes! Psychology is my wholehearted p a s s i o n.

"Do you love me? ☹️🥺😩✨" — asked by @jumptomorrow72


"What type of disorders did Jungkook have?" — asked by @XSeokjinStanX

I wrote Jungkook's character with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and petulant- and impulsive-borderline personality disorder types (BPD) in mind, but I wouldn't "diagnose" Jungkook with any of these disorders. I kind of cherry-picked symptoms from all of these, but I would say he best fits with the criterion of petulant-BPD.

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