NiNETEEN { gift }

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Taehyung didn't even blink when the noise of the front door opening interrupted his nearly-tranquil silence.

He stayed still, splayed out on the couch with one knee propped up so he could press his sudoku puzzle against it and fill in the numbers neatly.

It wasn't like Taehyung to just... sit there when Jungkook gets home. Normally he would jump up in excitement and greet Jungkook at the door like a separation-anxiety-wracked puppy. Why? That's a good question Taehyung doesn't have the articulate answer to. His usual excitement was just a given because being alone sucked, but that was too hard to admit to himself aloud. Now, not only did he lack enthusiasm, but he was far too tired to get up and wag his tail for Jungkook like a good boy anyway.

No, "tired" is an understatement; he's absolutely exhausted. The deal with Jungkook left him entirely drained. He was sore in places he didn't know could be sore, he was extremely sensitive to any touch, and he was always weary if not asleep. Jungkook kept to his word that they wouldn't have penetrative sex every time, which Taehyung was thankful for, but Jungkook also kept to the exact words he used: "at least once." So upon Jungkook's every whim and request, they end every other day having had three or four orgasms each. That was what had him beat. So getting up to greet Jungkook while nearly every muscle was in pain because of Jungkook was not on his to-do list.

Jungkook's clunky boots made heavy footsteps echoing in the hall, easy to listen to as he made his way inside, followed by the static-like noise of wrinkling plastic grocery bags. Then Jungkook peeked into the living room.

"Oh, hey!" he greeted eagerly as he stepped closer. He leaned down to kiss the top of Taehyung's head, a hand carding through his hair. "You weren't at the door; I thought you might've been asleep."

"M'not," Taehyung mumbled, scribbling a final 9 in the last open space of the puzzle. Jungkook stayed hovering above him, watching from over his shoulder as Taehyung flipped the page to the next puzzle.

"Are you enjoying that? It looks like you're getting really good."


Jungkook sighed. His exhale blew over the top of Taehyung's hair, flipping strands in his face. "You're not up for much conversation, huh." Taehyung murmured another yep, only half-listening to him now. "Well... I'm going to bring in the rest of the groceries."

He said nothing as Jungkook left for outside again. Taehyung nearly finished the next sudoku puzzle by the time Jungkook returned again after putting the food away. Neither of them bothered with half-hearted greetings this time. Jungkook came to stand in front of Taehyung, still silent. He still caught Taehyung's attention when, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the forgein object he held.

In Jungkook's hands was a small, shallow, black box. It's not the kind of thing you would buy at a grocery store; it's too fancy looking, too sleek to be put on a shelf next to the rings that will turn your skin green.

"What's that?" Taehyung asked as he set the puzzle packet aside and sat up.

"A little gift for you." He sat on top of the coffee table in front of him. He held the flat box carefully in two hands as if there was something fragile inside, smiling giddily. "I wanted to get you something special."

Taehyung's brow wrinkled in question as he analyzed the box. There was no other packaging, no label or brand name or barcode on top, it was just a plain box.

"A gift? What for?"

"No particular reason." Taehyung raised a brow, eyes snapping up to give Jungkook a look that said, really? "What? Am I not allowed to spoil the love of my life whenever I want?" Taehyung ignored the remark with the roll of his eyes. Jungkook held out the box to him, his bottom lip disappearing between his teeth to be nibbled on with anticipation. "Here. Open it."

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