SiX { butterfly }

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When Taehyung awoke, he wasn't tied to the bed frame yet.

Instead, his back was glued to Jungkook's chest, with Jungkook's arms wrapped around his torso, riding up his shirt. His hot, wet breath fanned down the back of Taehyung's neck as he snored softly. Gross.

Taehyung tried to sit up, but the pounding beneath his skull halted him and left him wincing—sedative leftovers do not work well in his system. He eventually, and carefully propped himself up on his elbows, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and the headache from his temples. He won't get relief without proper pain meds, but adding pressure feels nice for now.

When Taehyung could focus enough to register his surroundings, the first thing his eyes fell upon was the door. The exit.

Oh. This could not be that easy, but it sure looked like it.

Taehyung held his breath as he slipped away from Jungkook's lax hold. As long as he was very, very careful, he would be fine. He tiptoed across the room, wary of the creaky floorboards. Then, he came upon the door. Anticipation built in his throat until he could hardly breathe. This is it!

Taehyung would have given up anything to leave that cruel man lying in bed behind him. But he was only in this hell for less than three days, and and he barely had to sacrifice anything to get in front of this door with Jungkook's guard down. He will be free again. Free to move whenever and wherever he wants and leave. Finally!

He squeezed the door handle, chills racing down his spine at the touch of cool metal. He turned it, but when the door was supposed to click open, it didn't.

What? Taehyung tried the handle again, twisting it a little harder this time. It still didn't click, and the door didn't budge.

"No, no, nonono." It's not real. It can't be real.

Of course Jungkook would lock the door! Why did that thought never cross Taehyung's mind? But what kind of bedroom door even locks with a key from the inside?

It took everything in him not to bang the door down right then. It took everything in him to not scream.

Taehyung turned around, thinking about giving up and returning to bed, but he couldn't find it in him to move all that way. He pressed his back to the door and slid down until his butt hit the flooring. He tasted salt on his lips before he even felt the tears stream down his cheeks.

All he could see from here was the silhouette of the bed and Jungkook's sleeping form. Although Taehyung could barely make him out in the dark, he still looked so at ease, as if there was nothing ever wrong in the world or this situation.

Will Taehyung ever get to be that peaceful again?

Jungkook tied Taehyung up the same way he had yesterday: hands bound above his head, feet taped together, blankets wrapped around him so tightly he turned into a sweaty cocoon. It was no more comfortable than it was the day before.

Taehyung really should have tried harder to escape earlier that morning—maybe he could have found something small and strong enough to pick the lock with, maybe he could've tried the window for fuck's sake. But he had given up so easily, too quickly. He had sat on the floor and cried until Jungkook woke up.

He had refused breakfast and any form of comfort Jungkook offered him. But even after Taehyung had pushed Jungkook away after an attempted hug, Jungkook still tried to comfort him. He kept blabbering about food and showering and at least stretching before he tied him down so he wouldn't be so sore later. 

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