ThIRTY OnE { vanilla }

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CW: smut

Ever since their failed grocery store expedition yesterday, Jungkook has been nothing but compassionate, kind.

Taehyung, who has been emotionally exhausted ever since, is the most clingy he's ever been. He gets anxious whenever Jungkook so much as steps out of the room for a bathroom break. He doesn't want to be so needy, nor does he mean to be, but he can't help the panic that chokes him when Jungkook isn't within his line of sight. It's a ridiculous and irrational nervousness, he knows that. Dread and guilt flood his veins whenever he panics in the slightest without Jungkook's presence — he hated to be a burden, but he couldn't stop the suffocating feelings, fearing that Jungkook would disappear forever if he was away for too long, even in the safety of their own home.

Somehow, Jungkook was only understanding and kind. He reassured Taehyung every chance he got, every time Taehyung needed it: "No, I'm not mad at you." "Yes, we're safe." "No, I'm not leaving." "Yes, you're okay." "No, you don't need to apologize."

He provided all kinds of affection: cuddles and gentle kisses and sweet treats and warm bubble baths — which, he affirmed about a million times, were not punishments.

And now: massages.

Taehyung was lying on his stomach in the middle of their bed, half his face smooshed into his pillow, the hem of his t-shirt crumpled up at his shoulders. Jungkook sat on top of him, straddling his thighs. His careful hands rubbed methodically along the tense muscles of Taehyung's back.

It started as a gesture to help Taehyung ease his nerves before bed in hopes of getting him asleep quicker, but with the air conditioning running at a low hum and their skin covered in goosebumps, it didn't occur to either of them to back off when it started to feel too good.

When Jungkook worked his way down his spine and pushed down on his lower back, it pressed Taehyung's dick into the mattress, trapped against his lower belly. The friction caught him off-guard and he instinctively gripped the pillowcase a little tighter.

Taehyung groaned and immediately caught himself, then whispered a shy sorry, but Jungkook didn't stop rubbing.

"What?" It's hard to tell from Jungkook's voice if he was teasing or not. He just sounded quiet, whispering as well.

"I-I think I'm hard." He tried to make it a joke, but he couldn't force an amused tone or a laugh. He could hear a small tuft of air escape Jungkook's lips, it almost sounded like a chuckle, but it wasn't out of amusement either.

"That's nothing you should apologize for, it's natural. And I certainly don't mind." The reply was still quiet, breathless now too.

Heat swirled in Taehyung's stomach, embarrassment warmed his face in a way that was almost cruel when he was already hiding in his folded arms.

"Just... too good?" Jungkook asked.

"I guess," he answered, shuddering when Jungkook's hands slid down to his butt. His touch wasn't hesitant at all, but rather exploratory, the way his hands covered each cheek and pushed. Taehyung's face was so red.

"Do you want me to stop?" Now his voice sounded low, sexy.

Taehyung grunted in the back of his throat as Jungkook's fingers pressed into each cheek, shockingly bold all of a sudden, how Jungkook played with him.

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