OnE { know and love }

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Blinking is a tempting glimpse of sleep that's grown too enticing. 

Kim Taehyung isn't even sure if his eyes are still open—hint: they're not. 

It doesn't matter anyway, because even if his eyes were focused, his mind would still be in an entirely different place from the teacher's discussion. And these are the consequences of demolishing your sleep schedule.

Taehyung laid his arm across his desk and rested his head on his bicep in place of a pillow. He's just too tired to keep his own head up, let alone keep his focus on whatever the teacher was trying to explain on the whiteboard.

Taehyung isn't one for sleeping anywhere but in his bed, let alone in a public space, but this feels like the best nap he's had in a long while. It's easy, and Taehyung hasn't had an easy moment in months.

But that nap gets cut short.

A large hand squeezed his shoulder and shook him gently. Taehyung jerked up in surprise, his eyes shooting wide open. 

Oh, come on. He just put his head down!

Taehyung blinked around to find a few classmates staring from their seats and his teacher looming above him. He was the one to interrupt his sweet slumber, and Taehyung had half a mind to tell him off right then.

He straightens his spine as he haphazardly rubs his eyes to shoo his exhaustion away. "Sorry, Mr. Jeon."

The teacher bends down to murmur directly in his ear, "Come see me after class, Taehyung."

He nods with a little sigh. "Yes, sir."

Mr. Jeon gave him a half-smile before returning to the front of the class.

Taehyung is a little grateful Mr. Jeon took the extra measure to whisper and save him some dignity, but he would be a lot more grateful if Mr. Jeon had just let him sleep.

He waited until the teacher had his back turned to him before he turned to his best friend, Dahyun.

"How long was I out?" he whispered to her.

She shrugs. "I dunno."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

Dahyun smiles a little. "I didn't notice until Mr. Jeon saw you sleeping, but he came over to wake you himself. And if I did notice, I wouldn't have woken you because I wouldn't want you to get all pissy with me."

He huffs and rolls his eyes. "Not helping."

Reading the clock on the wall, he found he's already more than halfway through the class. Good. Gives him less time to fall asleep again and embarrass himself further.

He looked down at his notebook. It's covered in sorry excuses for words and crazed scribbles from when he attempted to write with his eyes closed and his hand numb. He sighed and retrieved his runaway pen.

Taehyung managed to stay awake for the remainder of class—how could he not after having his teacher wake him in front of everyone like that? However, he didn't pay much attention to the lesson. It didn't make much sense when he tried since he technically started in the middle of it.

Everyone filed out quickly when class ended—Dahyun left Taehyung alone without question since she had overheard Mr. Jeon's quiet request earlier—and within a minute or two, Taehyung was alone with his professor.

He slowly made his way to the front of the room where Mr. Jeon sat at his desk, writing something down in a folder. Mr. Jeon didn't appear upset in the slightest, but anxiety still licked it's way up Taehyung's spine. He's never gotten in trouble in Mr. Jeon's class before—it's the one class he has always tried to do his best in.

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