EiGHTEEN { deal }

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CW: bruises.

"Are you just going to mope around all day?"

Taehyung glanced up to find Jungkook standing above him, arms crossed, but he just turned back to his puzzle without replying.

"And you're going to keep ignoring me?" Taehyung didn't bother to spare him a glance this time. "I didn't think you would end up being so childish."

"I'm not childish," he muttered. "And I'm not moping."

Jungkook scoffed. "Speaking to me only to defend yourself is pretty fucking childish."

"Okay, then I'm childish."

He's not childish; he wasn't trying to be. Jungkook may only think that because of Taehyung's spontaneous effort to avoid him, and especially any and all conversation with him. Since Jungkook yelled at him a few days ago, Taehyung has yet to figure out how he's supposed to act around him. He couldn't act normally while being around Jungkook — which is unfortunately how he has to spend 99% of his day. Every time they neared a conversation or Jungkook scooted too closely to him in bed, Taehyung gets this weird feeling in the pit of his gut, burning, almost like embarrassment. The fact that their Yoongi-situation hasn't improved doesn't help either.

Until Taehyung figures out how to resolve that feeling, how is he supposed to act? "Childish" will do.

Jungkook sat beside Taehyung on the couch. He reached for a puzzle piece and put it in its place instantly. Taehyung huffed and leaned back on the cushions, arms crossed over his chest. Jungkook scoffed.

"You're being a brat."

"You're being annoying," Taehyung retorted not quietly enough.

Jungkook tilted his head to the side with curiosity. He could barely hide his amused smirk.

"Why are you being a little brat, Tae?" he asked as he propped his chin on the cusp of his palm, looking at Taehyung with amused inquiry. "I apologized to you. The other day—"

"I'm not upset about the other day." He is. Only partly, but he is.

"Then why aren't you fucking talking to me?" His voice wasn't mean, not yet.

"Because... Yoongi." And that was all Taehyung needed to say to have Jungkook losing interest.

"Okay..." He sat up straight, his once smug expression long gone. "I really don't want to have this conversation again."

"I don't think we ever had the conversation in the first place," Taehyung said, brow furrowing. Sure, they've talked about Yoongi. But very little. In fact, they've only talked about him whenever Taehyung has brought him up — and Jungkook's responses were often distractions or fights.

Jungkook frowned, but something about it turned fake. "Do you know what we really haven't talked about in a while? Y'know what we haven't done in a while...?"

Taehyung's expression fell with a disappointed sigh. "What."

He leaned in and pecked Taehyung's jaw. Taehyung recoiled at the touch, but apparently Jungkook didn't notice. He went to tilt Taehyung's head by his chin in order to properly kiss him, but Taehyung turned away.

"No. I don't want — I can't pretend like everything is normal when it's not."

Jungkook made a dramatic whiny sound from the back of his throat. "Why not? Just for a little while, babe. I don't want to have to think about him for a few minutes, so I don't want you to bring him up for a few minutes. Just let me focus on you, is that alright?"

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