TwENTY OnE { brave }

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Taehyung forgot that he couldn't really lock the bathroom door. Something about it was faulty so that it could only be locked from the outside. So Taehyung can't hide in here, Jungkook could walk in at any moment.

And not long after sheltering himself in the bathroom, the door creaked open. Taehyung jumped at the noise but he didn't dare to look up, instead recoiling further in on himself.

"Hi, pretty thing." Jungkook's voice came soft, only with kindness.

He tangled his fingers in Taehyung's hair, perhaps to soothe him. He flinched at the touch and carded his own fingers through his hair to pick out Jungkook's.

"Don't touch me," he whispered. Jungkook pulled back.

"I cleaned up, by the way," he stated, as if his pride wasn't a little hurt by Taehyung's rejection. "Everything is in the wash and I put fresh sheets on the bed. We can sleep just fine tonight."

Taehyung tensed up at the mention of the mess he had made. The reaction must have been too obvious, because Jungkook made a little aww noise, as if he was cooing at a pitiful child.

"What can I do for you, baby?"

Taehyung gasped at the dreaded word. He teared up all over again.

"Leave." He meant to sound strong, assertive; but, much to Taehyung's chagrin, his voice came out so tiny. It was pathetic.

"Do you want me to help you get cleaned up?" Jungkook asked. He definitely heard Taehyung's response yet acted as if he didn't. Sure, Taehyung was quiet, his voice had cracked around the vowels and he could barely hear himself, but as the only noise in the echoey bathroom, there was no way Jungkook could have missed it.

"Leave," he repeated stubbornly.

"Come on," Jungkook insisted. "Let me get you cleaned up—"

"Go!" he shouted. His voice cracked but at least he found his volume. He still refused to raise his head, he couldn't look at Jungkook's face, so he was screaming into his knees. "Just go! Leave me alone!"

Jungkook sat there for a moment longer, leaving them in silence. Taehyung couldn't help but notice then, out of the corner of his eye, that Jungkook was completely fresh. He was fully clothed again, no longer disheveled or sweaty or gross in the slightest. He must have showered in the other bathroom while Taehyung was "hiding" in here. Taehyung, however, was still butt-naked and sticky with sweat and... other fluids. He was covered in grossness and Jungkook said nothing of it.

Taehyung expected him to tease him again, to ridicule him for what he did and how filthy he was and so on. But Jungkook only asked to help clean him up.

"I love you," he whispered.

Taehyung hesitated. He didn't want to say it back. He didn't feel love for Jungkook at that moment; the words got caught up in his throat. But it was the right thing to say, Jungkook would get upset if he didn't.

"I love you too."

"So let this go and calm down."

"Just because I love you doesn't mean I have to forgive you so quickly."

"Because you want to hold a grudge," he concluded for him.

Taehyung took in a shaky breath, praying for his voice to stay steady as he spoke. "I'm not holding a grudge. I'm upset and... I-I think that's fair."

Jungkook sighed. "I didn't mean to upset you."

Something oddly sympathetic wavered in his voice. Taehyung said nothing. He secured himself further in his little ball, squeezing his eyes shut. He didn't let Jungkook's words soothe him. He didn't let Jungkook's words sway him. Maybe he was holding this as a grudge just a little, wishing to wallow in the animosity he felt towards Jungkook — disliking him helped him feel a little better about himself.

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