TwELVE { surprise }

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CW: smut, "dirty talk"

uhh, buckle up cuz this alone is over 10k and my normal chapters are ~6k or less, so...

Something was... off; Taehyung was sure of it. From the instant his mind coaxed him out of sleep, little alarms went off in the back of his head.

Still hazy, Taehyung became aware of his limbs again when something tickled the back of his neck. He swatted at the sensation, trying to shoo it away without giving up the peaceful darkness of a half-slumber. A nearly familiar chuckle rumbled in his ear, and the odd tickling came again, dancing over his nose. Taehyung scrunched up his nose and smooshed his face into the pillow to hide. The chuckle came again, but the tickling disappeared.

Taehyung ignored the little noise for the floaty, blissful drowsiness to wash over him again, and he embraced it readily. But he didn't get to sink much further into sleep, however. A cool rush blew over the shell of his ear, pounding his eardrum like a short, sharp gust of wind. Taehyung batted a listless hand over toward where it came from. His palm landed on something warm, soft... squishy.

Whoever was laughing found this fucking hilarious now. The sudden loud chortle jolted Taehyung completely from his nice snoozle. He groaned. He was too awake now to go back to sleep.

Taehyung propped himself up on one elbow. Too tired to lift his head all the way, his forehead nearly grazed his pillow, but it helped him come into awareness a little faster. He rubbed the sleep away from an eye, the other fluttering open on its own to reveal a blurry view of the sheets. He went to rub his other eye, but his other hand wasn't there to do so. He wiggled his fingers and felt that warm surface again. He peeked out from under the curtain of his disheveled hair, and found that his palm had taken purchase on Jungkook's cheek, who was laying beside him, smiling.

"G'morning, pretty."

Jungkook's voice was warm, all gravelly from disuse. Even in Taehyung's half-asleep state, it still made his insides go all tingly. Jungkook wrapped his fingers around Taehyung's wrist and pressed a chaste kiss on the heel of his palm.

Taehyung whined in groggy frustration, uncaring of how childish it came off. He left his hand on Jungkook's face and laid flat on his stomach again. He pressed the side of his face into his pillow and embraced the cushion with his other arm, staring over at Jungkook who kissed his hand again.

"Why're you waking me so early?" he asked with mumbles through pouty lips. "M'tired."

Jungkook's cute laugh turned into a coo of affection. "Awh, baby, I'm just teasing you. It's not that early anyway; it's half-past nine, sleepy-head."

"Don' care. Wanna sleep."

"Hm. Well, I care. And I also want to kiss you," Jungkook said.

The mattress springs squeaked as Jungkook leaned in and pecked Taehyung's adorable pout, lacing their fingers together. Taehyung remained unfazed, determined to return to dreamland. Jungkook kissed him again; Taehyung's only reaction was a little incoherent murmur and the dismissive furrow of his brow.

"You have morning breath."

"S'cause it's still morning," Taehyung murmured.

Jungkook laughed. "Sure, it's still morning, but I don't have morning breath. I already got up and brushed my teeth and everything."

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