[Bonus] Lovely

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     Jimin was upset. So, so upset. They just got done with a mission and instead of being with his boyfriend, Yoongi went to his office for "work".

     It wasn't just today. It has been happening for almost two weeks now. And Jimin was sick and tired of it. If he had to beg for Yoongi's attention, he will.

     Yoongi was on his computer, looking over all the files that Jungkook and Taehyung managed to get from one of their enemies Laptops. "Ugh! I don't get it! Why!"

     The newly dyed ravenette bangs his head on the desk, creating a loud bang throughout the room. He sighs. "I can't let this get to me. I need to figure this out."

     He was just about to get back to work, when he felt hands wrap around his shoulders and a familiar voice whispering in hais ear. "Figure what out?"

     "Jimin I love you and everything, but I really need to get back to work."

     Jimin frowns at this. "Sweetheart, you've been working so much. How about," he gets in front of Yoongi and sits on his lap, legs wrapped around his waist. "I help you relieve some stress."

     Yoongi's eyes go wide as he looks his boyfriend up and down. "J-Jimin. Um, not that I dont think you look really hot right now. But, why are you wearing that?"

 But, why are you wearing that?"

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(He's still blonde)

     "What do you mean? Do you not appreciate my help?" Jimin starts to drag his left hand up Yoongi's shirt with his right hand gripping his raven locks. "Why don't you love me anymore?"

     Yoongi was loving the feeling of Jimin touching him. But stops as soon as he heard that. He grabs both of Jimin's wrist and stares at the others eyes. "Jiminie. Why would you think that?"

     The younger sniffles as tears start to form in his eyes. "You don't spend any time with me. You keep working and I end up going to sleep without any cuddles. You know how much I love cuddles!" He buries his face in Yoongi's neck; crying.

     "Oh Jiminie." He runs his hands through the blonde hair. "You know how important this is to Namjoon. As his right-hand, it's my job to make sure he stays on top. I need to decrypt these files. It has nothing to do with you. I love you so much sweetheart. I wish I can be with you every hour of the day, but I cant. I'm so sorry baby."

     Jimin lifts up his head and stares at Yoongi's dark orbs. "Really?"

     "Yes. I love you so much." He takes the blondes cheeks into his hands, and brings the younger closer, smashing his lips onto the others. Jimin melted into this kiss, loving the feeling if the others lips on his.

     They break away staring into eachothers eyes. "I love you Jagi. More than anything. Now, let's take this off. I know it makes you uncomfortable." Yoongi takes off the harnesses attached to Jimins torso. Jimin just let's him.

     "Their." A kiss to his nose. "All better."


     "Yes, love?"

     Jimin grabs ahold of Yoongi's hoodie. "Can I wear this?"

     The ravenette smiles. "Of course you can." Yoongi takes of his jacket as Jimin takes off the uncomfortable, tight shirt. He grabs the olders hoodie and puts it on, smiling.

     "Thank you Yoongi

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     "Thank you Yoongi. I love you."

     "I love you too."

     They sit their in comfortable silence, enjoying eachothers embrace. Yoongi kept doing his work, while his boyfriend sat comfortable in his lap. And with Jimin next to him, he finally opened the files and got everything done just in time.


Wow. It's been awhile.

So, I have a few things I need to explain. I haven't been updating this story because I write my story in a notebook before I post it here on wattpad. I know that's weird but, sue me.😤

I was in the middle of writing the next chapter before I lost the notebook, and I dont want to rewrite it. I know that's not a good excuse, but whatever.

I also have just had major writers block with this story in particular.

I hope all understand.

If you want to, please check out all my other books. I have a vkook omegaverse and a bts oneshot book. I also have so many drafts lol. 😬😁


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