{15} Rendezvous

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Here you go! Another chapter of Sound of Glass! I think I'm going to be something a little different after this chapter, and I'll explain later after the chapter. Enjoy!

Everyone was silent the entire ride to the safe house. Seokjin is driving with the coordinates Namjoon has given him. The eldest watches Namjoon from his peripherals - analyzing every move the leader made. Namjoon stares out the window looking at all of the trees that pass by. He was on edge since leaving. He hasn't heard anything from Hoseok, Jungkook, or Taehyung since they left. He kept telling himself that Jungkook was at the safe house already and that he was just keeping quiet until things cleared up. But then Jimin told them about Jungkook sweeping the building again to ensure Taehyung was alright. There was no way they would beat them there if Jungkook did another sweep.

Seokjin glances away from the leader, diverting his eyes to the rearview mirror to check on the couple in the back seat. Jimin has tried to make the ride as comfortable as possible for Yoongi, considering the older man had a broken rib. Yoongi leans against the car door with Jimin's jacket behind him.

"Good news," Jimin says with a slight smirk, "it doesn't look like you will need any surgery."

"Well, that is good news. Didn't know you were such a medical professional."

"I wanted to be a doctor when I was little. But, you know how that turned out." Yoongi tries to smile back, but a small bump in the road makes him wince. Jimin glares at the driver through the window.

"Sorry," Seokjin replies.

Yoongi grabs a hold of Jimin's wrist, to bring him closer to him. "Thank you, for not leaving me behind back there. I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for you."

Jimin blushes. "Hey. I just got a boyfriend. I'm not letting him leave me that easily."

The two just stare into each others dark orbs. Sure, they've started dating and everything, but sometimes the tension between the two could still be awkward. Seokjin smirks as he looks at the interaction. He stops the car with a sudden jolt of the car. Jimin lunges forward bumping into Yoongi. The younger lips smash onto him momentarily, before he backs away in embarrassment.

"We're here," Seokjin says in a singsong voice.

Jimin knows full well that that was on purpose.

Seokjin taps Namjoon to wake him up from his daze. They both get out and help Yoongi out of the back of the car. Namjoon tells Jimin to let Yoongi rest. The younger one listens and takes Yoongi inside the small building with the older one leaning against him.

"So," Seokjin starts as he sees Namjoon staring at the building before him. "This is your safe house. It's nice. Quite quaint."

Namjoon laughs a little at that. "Yeah. It is. This is the wear I used to live."

Seokjin's brow falls in confusion. Where he lived? Why would the son of a mafia live in a small house like this? Namjoon seems to catch onto his confusion because he releases a little chuckle. "Before we found out about my dad," he confirms. "Me and my mom didn't always know what my dad used to do. He thought that if we knew, it would put us in danger. And, we used to live here. It was nice, you know. Living a normal life." Namjoon was pretty young when he lived in the safe house, but he could remember the memories like they happened yesterday.

The memories of when they were happy. When he would wake from naps to hear his mom singing in the kitchen. When his dad would come home from work - which he thought were just business meetings - and give him the biggest hug in the world. Those were the kind of moments that Namjoon wishes he could have again. He wished his mother was still alive so that he could have those moments with her again.

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