[7] Only One Can Remain《1》

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This chapter is a little longer than the others.

"Um, what is this place?" The four boys were standing outside a club that was specifically for people who were in mafias or gangs.

"Are you sure you two brought us to the right place? I thought we were supposed to be going to some sort of racetrack." Jimin looked around the sceptic area. It was literally in the middle of nowhere, and people were giving them weird looks.

Jungkook gives a sarcastic sigh. "Yes, Jimin. I'm sure. Namjoon said that the races are under the club. Like some sort of underground racetrack."

Hoseok couldn't help but look around the area as the others fought. The people going to the club kept giving the four boys strange glances and would stare at them disgustingly, like they didn't belong there.

Well, technically they didn't. They were here to find Seokjin and bring him back to the base with them. They weren't here to have fun.

"Hope, are you ok?"

Jimin snapped him out of his gaze. "Yeah, I'm fine it's just..." the younger three waited for his response.

"Yeah?" Jimin says.

"How will we get in? Namjoon didn't give us any kind of ID to get past that knucklehead." Hoseok motions towards the bouncer near the entrance. "Plans?"

The other three became confused, and tried to come up with a solution.

Taehyung scoffed. "Why are we thinking so hard about this? Just tell the bouncer that we work for Kim Namjoon. They probably wont know who we are right away, but when that comes out of our mouths, they'll have to let's us in."

The red-head started walking towards the door, but was stopped by his fiance. "No, bad idea Tae."

The older was confused. "Why?"

Jimin crossed his arms. "Because, idiot, we want to keep Namjoons' name on the down low. We only came here to convince Seokjin to join, not to mess around."

'Can this kid read minds or something?'

"Besides," Jungkook added, "if any of Taeyongs' men are here, than we can't have them knowing were looking for Seokjin."

"Fine, than what other ideas do we have?"

Hoseok placed one of his hands on Jimin's shoulder, startling the younger. "What about Prince over here. He's a seducer, isn't he?"

Jimin shivered. "Um, I'm willing to do it, I mean it Is my job, but I would like for us to think of something else before we go to that option." All of the sudden the air becomes tense between the four of them.

They kept on trying to think of ways to get inside the building. Surely, Seokjin's race would be starting, and they wanted to get him before that happend.

"Wait! I think I have an idea!"

"Oh lord, what is it Tae?"

Taehyung looked sadly at his friend. "Come on Chim, have a little more faith in me."

Jungkook could tell Taehyung was getting a little angry, so he wrapped his arms around his waist to calm him down. "Come on Jimin, let's hear him out."

Jimin looked at the couple and he motioned for Taehyung to continue.

Taehyung cleared his throat. "Well, we might not be able to use Namjoons name, or the Kim's. But, we can use someone else's name." After he says this, he grabs his fiance's hands from around his waist, and made sure he was looking at him.

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