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13 years ago...

     Namjoon stood there with his head down, too scared to look his father in the eyes. His father was angry, furious even. He knew that he disappointed his father. But can you blame him for being scared? His father was the most powerful, richest, and scariest man alive.

     "Next time, think before you do anything that stupid again." Mr. Kim glanced at his son before he stood up from his desk and left, slamming the door behind him.

     Namjoon cried as soon as he left. He could never show weakness in front of his father. His father was never abusive, but that didnt mean he wasn't gonna let his son get away with everything he did wrong.

     His mother came over and wrapped her arms around him. She started rubbing his head and humming a tune, calming him. He was just releasing choked cries now.

     "Daddy hates me, doesn't he." Seoyun hushes her child and continues to soothe him.

     "Daehyun does not hate you Joonie. He just wants what's best for you. Do you understand?" Namjoon nods his head and Seoyun pulls away from her son. She cups his face in her hands and wipes away any remaining tears on his face.

    Namjoon and his mother look at eachother and smiled. In this crazy world, Namjoon knew he can always count on his mother's dimpled smile whenever things went wrong.

One week later

     Namjoon ran. He ran as far as his 10 year old legs could carry him. He ran out of the building and into the ally nearby. He ran away from the scary men with guns and hid behind the garbage.

    He heard footsteps, and thought it was the men from earlier. But when he felt the familiar warmth of his mother, he finally felt safe.

     "Its okay Joonie. Everything is going to be okay." She looked up and told Namjoon to hide, and stay quiet. He obeyed, and Seoyun left him behind the garbage. He heard voices. Two men and one woman, his mother.

     Namjoon couldn't hear there conversation, but he knew what his mother was trying to do. She was trying to negotiate with them. He didn't hear anything for a couple of minutes. But they felt like hours.

     Namjoon thought, for a split second, that his mother succeeded. That she convinced them to let them go. But then he heard 3 gunshots go off. He left from behind the garbage, and what he saw made him burst into tears. He saw the two men shot and dead, but he also saw his mother laying on the ground, breathing heavily.

    Namjoon ran over to her and put his hands on her heart. She barely had a pulse. "Please eomma don't leave me! Please don't die!" Seoyun put her hand on her sons cheek.

     "Now you listen to me here Kim Namjoon. You need to look after your father. Your a kind boy, and you can't let this world corrupt you. But, you need to fight. Fight for your father, fight for the mafia, and most importantly, fight... for... me. Okay?" Namjoon shook his head as tear rolled down his cheeks.

    "I love you.... Joonie." Namjoon cried as she closed her eyes, and loosend her grip on his cheeks.

     "Mom. MOM!" Namjoon screamed, but his mom would not answer. He cried into her chest for awhile. He looked up at her pale face.

     He couldn't live without her. How could he count on that warm dimpled smile to always help him, and keep him happy. He looked at her ankle and saw her pocket knife sticking out.

     He grabbed it and unsheathed it from its case. He held it up with one hand and was about to take his own life, when a hand grabbed tightly around his wrist. He looked up and saw his father staring at him.

     "What did I tell you about thinking before you do something stupid." He seemed angry, but Namjoon can tell, that there wasnt any anger in his voice. It was more concern if anything.

     Namjoon looked at his father and  cried. He buried his head in his chest and Daehyun rubbed his sons head and kissed his hair. "Its okay. The bad guys are gone. You're safe."

     Yes, Namjoon's dad was the most ruthless mafia leader in the world. But there was three things that his father cared about. Money, power, and Namjoon.



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